Posts by Miwarre

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    are admin not affected by the permissions set for the area? I set an area and did not add any player to it or area manager and I was still able to dig ground and set objects.

    An easier way to turn admins (and area managers) into 'regular' area visitors (and back) is the "Admin priv. OFF" item of the main AP menu. This has the bonus that the flag is flipped immediately, without messing with the plug-in config file and with plug-in restarting or (even worse) server restarting.

    However, I noticed that currently this flag (however it is flipped) is too powerful as it removes too many admin abilities (like area editing); I am fine tuning it and it will improve in the next AP version.

    Wanted to ask for myself and my players, does this java version prevent tnt AND BPs from destroying blocks and terrain from within a claim?

    This is the idea. Protection from BP should work correctly (as far as I could test it).

    Protection from explosion should also work correctly for the most common case(s); according red51 in the current RW version, with explosions there might be ways around this protection but I didn't find them. Anyway, the next version of RW should improve this point.

    Yes everything excluding explosions is selected including owner. And no worries I'm interested in getting this sorted out whatever you need I can get you,

    Hmmm... I run some additional tests and this works correctly here.

    One detail I noticed is that, if the player happens to be inside the area when (s)he is made owner of it, (s)he has to exit the area and then re-enter it for the new permission to take effect. I'll try to smooth this detail out in the next plug-in version.

    Thank you, reloading the plugin's seems to work, though from time to time I do like to have people join.

    Well, if I understand correctly your set up, people can join an SP game only from the local LAN and I assume, when another player joins (i addition to the 'local' player, i.e. you!), the relevant events would be triggered correctly (it would be interesting to try, though). So, this should not be a problem.

    Not sure about a local server because much like Minecraft it still uses local cpu an external server would perhaps be a better idea for me but at this time I can't afford it.

    A commercial server would be possibly more convenient, but a local dedicated server has also its pros: it will have approximately the same CPU load as a SP game to which external players join and you can turn it on and off when you like.

    As I said above, there are a number of options, each with its pros and cons. To summarise:

    - the SP programme has a bug in plug-in player data initialisation (for which the console reloadplugins command can be a workaround)

    - the MP server (either local or an external commercial solution) does not have this bug, but has other limitations.

    So, it is a decision everyone has to make according his own priorities.

    @mickeyjay88: Can you confirm that the permissions for that player for that area are all turned on? To check them:

    - go to that area (to speed up area selection)
    - "/ap" in the chat, then select "Edit area"
    - in the area properties, click "Edit players"
    - in the player list, select the player and then "Edit" (if the player does not appear in the list, he has not been added at all to that area)
    - check the permissions are all turned on.

    If they are not on, you probably skipped some step while adding the player.

    If they ARE on and the player still cannot edit the area contents, then something is wrong and we will need more analysis...

    @ArcaneDesmond The best way is, you make a localserver from rw on your pc.

    @Bogus is right; this would definitely improves running of plug-ins. However, a (local) dedicated server has other cons:

    1) set-up might be not trivial

    2) in practice it can only have a single world

    3) to connect to it, you have to use the "Connect to IP" button of the "Multiplayer" page and enter your local IP address

    So, you have a couple of possibilities; neither is perfect (the programme is still under development, after all) but both should be viable and you may choose.

    As far as I can tell from the screen shots of the folders, it is a Single Player context. In which case this is a known problem.

    The Single Player context has a BUG (confirmed by red51), by which plug-in player data are not completely initialised (technically, the PlayerConnectEvent is not called for the player and the plug-in misses an opportunity to initialise the data it needs about the player). As you can see, the GPS "running display" is missing, which is an indication of this bug.

    The bug should be fixed in a? / the? next RW release; in the meantime, I found the workaround to issue the console reloadplugins command right after connecting, which triggers a full player initialisation; you will see that after this command, the GPS "running display" will appear.

    Hoping this helps, M.

    Admins have full access to everything, unless adminNoPriv=1 is set in, in which case, admins are considered as normal players as far as permissions and accesses are considered (but still can create new areas).

    Can I do that with the API? I don't see a .addSibling() method :/ My experience with Guis is null so I am learning as I go with them :D

    Well, I meant "sibling" in the usual meaning :D : just make them both (the GuiLabeL and the GuiTextElement) children of the same parent (presumably, but not necessarily, a GuiPanel) with same Y coord and opportunely chosen X coord.

    (Note: actually using the same Y coord is not the optimum: I found that if I want their texts on the same base line, I have to set Y coord of the GuiTextElement 4 pixels more than the Y coord of the GuiLabel, as the former has some additional height)

    I have no idea if it is intended behaviour, but I would not rate this as a bug:

    if a GUI control is a child of another but it is outside the parent border, it is perfectly reasonable that it is clipped, if not visually at least as far as events are concerned: do you have a specific reason not to construct the GuiTextField as a sibling of its label rather than its child?

    Sorry @Miwarre but I have been trying to get this to work and it is not showing up on screen like it used to. Instead when I go into the /gps via chat and hit show it is spamming chat with errors. Not sure what is going on as I installed all of your mods with the exception of Bank, Weather & UPS individually starting with rwgui then plugin central, after this I installed planks & beams (very impressive work there) and finally GPS. Could you please confirm if this plugin works or not? Possibly I could be missing something? I did install the back end as well so I doubt that is the issue, though I remain confused.

    The plug-in does work: I play on at least two servers (not mine) which have it installed and it works.

    Did you installed the last version (1.3.1) ?
    Also the last version of RW-Gui?

    If you can, could you post the folder structure and contents of the plug-in in the server, to see if everything is there?

    Ok , let's see if I can get it correct this time. After creating an area no area names show on the bottom left above the health bar from any area until the server is restarted.

    This is very strange: no server restart should be needed. I'll run some specific checks.

    Also how do you change the area dimensions after it is created? I think you need to make a dimensions button under the edit screen to be able to alter the dimensions after creation and have it an admin feature only.

    This is not possible at the moment. I plan to add this feature in a next version, but I would like the current code to be more tested / reliable first (the old script didn't have this feature either, if I am correct)

    next thing to figure out is your permissions system lol

    It is exactly as the old system, except for:

    • Pick vs Destroy Vegetation and Chest access which have been adjusted and are described in detail at the end of the manual
    • new permissions which follow the events the plug-in API provide to plug-ins

    Hope this help.

    @angriff: well, can you compile, install into RW and run the dialogue box example plug-in?

    If yes, then it has all the elements you seem to need:

    • define your dialogue box class following the MyDlgBox example (or even simply reusing and modifying it)
    • replace the fixed, hard-coded texts of the example with the data from your DB query
    • replace the fancy, multifarious layout (used to show different possibilities) with one suiting your data -- which you know in their structure and contents
    • once you have your DB query result, create and show the dialogue box as shown at the end of the SampleDlgBox class

    The example is heavily commented. As English is not my mother tongue (speaking of learned languages... :D ), comments may contain English errors and non-idiomatic expressions, but they should be comprehensible nevertheless.

    If you are stuck in finding a way to pass a variable contents (the result of your DB query) to the dialogue box to show, the answer might be different if the dialogue box, once created with some texts, will no longer change (for instance, just show one DB row) or if you want to page through multiple DB rows.

    In the first case, you may simply pass the DB result row to the dialogue box constructor, for it to extract the needed data and put into the dialogue box elements.

    In the second case, which is more complex, you need to add to your dialogue box class:

    • some clickable elements (acting as buttons) to page to the next / prev. row;
    • methods to receive new data, placing them into the relevant dialogue box GUI elements;

    and to the class using the dialogue box:

    • a callback to receive the "Next row"/"Prev. row" commands, retrieve the required result row and send it back to the dialogue box via the above methods

    As you see, it is more complex, but it can be done 8o .


    Version 1.0.0 is available from the thread top post, the manual can also downloaded separately.

    Latest change log:


    - fixed running in Single Player mode
    - improved class and method access levels and javadocs

    1.0.0 (mostly suggestions from @sharkbitefischer):

    - added confirmation message box before deleting an area
    - improved alphabetical order of area and player names in lists
    - added "Go to area" feature
    - area coordinates are now displayed in the RW "native" format


    ??? RW-Gui has nothing to do with data base management

    the structure is unfamiliar to me

    Which structure?

    So does the main code that executes the db reads get put into the case1 case2 area or is that just a call?

    DB read? case1 case2? I cannot understand what you are referring to.

    I will have to read up/study on java a bit more

    This is highly advisable! To program in a programming language, studying it to some proficiency helps greatly!