Posts by Garlotch

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)

    Our team consists of three people: KingGenius, lucien.schuenke and me ;) "JIW-Games" was founded by KingGenius and me. We are all from Germany.
    I am mainly working on the game itself, KingGenius partly works on the game and is mainly responsible for the website, user authentication and non-Steam payments, and lucien.schuenke manages our servers, is responsible for the Steam integration and does some community related tasks.

    It's wonderful to meet you three! Awesome to know more about "the team"! Keep up the good work :)

    It was really weird yet funny today, everyone had names, and then all of a sudden people's names changed to ":" then some people restarted their games, and their names were restored. I didn't know that there was an update until I myself restarted the game, and installed the update xD

    I was just wondering, and I'm sure many others are too, who the developers are, or how many developers there are etc. Also what they do?

    It would be very interesting to know, although I think I know that 'red51' is a developer, just a guess there.

    Exactly, as @Geneo said, flymode and stuff only exists because the game is in development, and especially the survival part is very incomplete yet. The "magic light" is the first thing that will be removed very soon. You can only craft some items for free because the required resource is still missing. This changes as soon as more resources come into the game. Flymode will be removed when the "fall trough ground" glitch is fixed (and flying is the only workaround to prevent you from dying) and the survival gamemode is more completed.

    Ores are still missing as animal drops, but both is in the works ;)

    No one, could have said it better my friend. :thumbsup:

    I 100% agree with you, and understand where you are coming from! I started playing minecraft 4 years ago, but it's lacking in content/features etc. THIS game, is going to be epic!

    Intro - Introduction - Garlotch

    Hello everyone,

    I have some questions, as I am a noob. You may have guessed that there will probably be more questions, hence the "#1" on the end of the title. Yes I am a noob, although I deem it fair to say that a lot of you, if not most, are noobs also, since the game only came out on steam a week and a bit ago. Although the game could have come out a long time ago, just not on steam, I have no idea.

    So in game, I noticed I have the ability to fly, use a torch that I do not have on me, and craft weapons and other things at no expense. I assumed all of this is because of some reasons, it being in early development etc. Or maybe I am just ignorant. Is there any way to turn off all of these... "advantages" and perhaps give myself a 'survival' experience? (Minecraft Veteran Speaking). Is there any option/s to turn these "perks" off?

    I tried killing animals, they did not drop anything, nor could i harvest things from them? Or maybe I just didn't hack/slash at them enough. But I could open their "inventory" which had a lot of spaces? I'm not sure what to think of that...

    Also, I needed ores, so I tried tunneling all the way down, but I couldn't find any? How do I get ores, must I find a cave or something?


    Hello everybody,

    I just saw that RW went 10% off on steam today, so I decided to buy it. I have ONLY seen the introduction trailer video, and know nothing else about this game, apart from it's a voxel based sandbox games, with beautiful physics and graphics, and it's made by a German development team.

    I have only played a few minutes of this game, walked around, and felled a tree. But so far, I can tell that this game is the best sandbox ever!

    Is there anything else I should know about this game? What are you thoughts? Got any tips & tricks for a noobie?

    Thanks people!! :)

    P.S: It's so awesome to be a part of this fantastic and ever growing community, I can see only a dozen or so people have followed the sub-reddit, and only about a hundred or so people have bought the game on steam, but I foresee great things in RW!

    Thank you Jiw games, keep up the good work!!