Posts by KirbyAWD

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam


    Last night for the first time I had a hang at 10% - it stuck there for about one minute then let me in the game with no problems. For comparison sake I am usually in the world within about 20-30 secs. So not much issue for me, but I just wanted to chime in as 10% is where it hung for me as well.

    I have a I7 4770K, and a GTX 760 running driver 347.09 and this was in single player. Hope it helps!

    Could you guys do me a favor and not be dicks? I understand that certain users have questions that would leave obvious answers (I don't know what the answer to his question is) but could you refrain please? This has been the most pleasant forum that I have joined in the past few years and would hate to have it deteriorate into what most other alpha game forums have become. Keep it classy, San Diego.

    Thanks for all you work guys, as I don't post often. Can't wait to see what Rising World has to come in the future. Obviously I'm not an eye-for-an-eye kind of person.