Posts by Winael

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam


    Maybe I can add soùe suggestion to the NPC Village.Could be nice to have the possibility to build some of them. Let me explain :First you have to unlock the City Mall blueprint (High Cost) that allow player to build a little Lvl 1 City Mall.

    This City Mall could come with 4 little houses blueprint for workers, and some other basic facilities blueprints. You'll need necessaries ressources to build them. Workers could be affected to task like hunting, building, mining, cut trees, gardening, planting trees, farminig, etc... at each lvl up of City Mall you'll find new blueprints to be able to build new houses for workers or new facilities

    Later, at Lvl 2 or 3, you'll be able to build the Store. The NPC Storeman will give you the posisbility to upload some receipes (kind of blueprints, but cheaper) into a global store, specifying the tools needed to craft it, and a price, in ingame money. You also can buy some receipts with in-game money, and each time you buy one receipts it will credit the creator's ingame wallet

    At Lvl 4 or 5, you'll be able to build the Architect Store. You'll be able to sell and buy blueprints. For ex I could buy a bridge blueprint at the Architecture Store, and as soon I have necessaries ressources I can place it into my world.There's so basics ideas to add some fun for solos.What do you think about it ?
