Posts by Raeffi

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Found a good example how the electric trains could look, work

    Maybe we are restricted to use this only in bigger tunnels, on the surface as it needs overhead powerlines.

    This is a great idea. Maybe we can get random abandoned and overgrown cities, buildings, railway lines, streets and similar. Maybe the game takes place long after the downfall of civilisation as we know it ?
    There could even be hidden hints on what happened, and why we are in a completely empty world.

    A separate map generation that only generates "wasteland" would also be cool and a challenge to survive.

    The most awesome thing would be if we were able to use the scaleable wood pieces on top of the wheelbases. And double wheelbases. Because then we could essentially do all things from hauling ore to moving passengers with one gauge and we would get better quality content because its less to code.

    Also different types of rail with higher and lower top speeds would be awesome.

    Low cost but very bad mining rails (maybe we can pick them back up ?) and higher cost but very smooth and rigid high speed rails.

    So I heard a few hints that minecarts and probably trains in general are going to be released after the new clothing system. I looked at a few videos of mining-trains and ore carts and this gave an awesome idea. We should be able to customize our locomotives and or minecarts.Watch these videos :

    Now what do all those minecarts and locomotives have in common ? They are more or less made from similar modules. The locomotives are all based on a flat 2-axle wheelbase with an engine and a seat on top. The carts are also mostly the same wheelbase with either a hopper or a flat surface for cargo on top.

    So I imagine a system where we can craft maybe a few different wheelbases and then place different engine, fuel tank, seat, light, ... -modules on top to create a locomotive. Also it should be possible to make custom carts with chests, tanks for water, ... so you can bring all the equipment needed to mine for a while.