Posts by moonsand7

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    Hello, I bought two copies of Rising World back in 2016, played for a bit and then stopped.

    I recently decided to revisit the game. I logged in and linked my Legacy account. It gave me a serial number but I have nowhere to introduce it.

    Please help

    Thank you

    Man, those huge discussions remind me of the good 'ol 2000's, when all we had were forums :)

    Anyway, I see two main "armies" here:

    Arctic, who thinks that the game would be boring without monsters
    Miwarre and fox, who insist that this game should remain relaxed.

    I'll leave my opinion here too, since I'm a member just like any of you :)

    RW is a great sandbox game. I'd call it "Minecraft on steroids". I've played Minecraft, Rust and other sandbox-oid's. Every game has their own pros and cons.
    So here's the first thing I've learned: - There's no "perfect" game.
    There will be always that choice between relaxation and battles.

    For instance, even if you'll make it flexible, this will bring some consequences.
    Any flexibility or modding splits the community. The more options there will be, the more poorly populated servers people will have, each with their own set of options.
    Take MC as an example: it ahs so many mods. The only reason why you don't notice the community split is because there are about 2 millions of active players, spread across the 10.000 servers.

    Past days, I've switched to creative mode when playing RW. I never ever played creative mode in Minecraft (I dislike the sole idea of having infinite stuff, makes things too easy for me), but I just cannot stand the idea of having to bear the long mining speed we've got here in RW. And chopping trees is even less acceptable :/
    So that's what made MC mining interesting: the enchanting table features.
    The concept of progressing, going through lot of mining and leather farming in order to get better gear seems very attractive to me.
    Thanks to the enchanting feature in Minecraft, you could notice the difference between Iron, Diamond and Enchanted gear.

    I think, a great starter for RW would be the capability of upgrading your gear. Go from Iron to Alluminum -> Steel -> something else.
    Make a chainsaw for chopping trees.
    Make some resources rare and give us the ability to craft better gear. That would motivate us to keep mining, farming and gathering resources.

    In my opinion, this would bring more interest to the game and attract more people who are more than FPS fans.
    I mean, I do play FPS. A lot, actually. I just logged off from Planetside 2. So yeah, when I'm in the mood to kill someone, I go to Planetside 2, Mass Effect 3 and so on.
    They already have everything I'd like a FPS to have, and it will be hella hard for RW to beat that.
    So here's where I agree with some folks here: RW is not and will never be a FPS.
    Not that it should not have monsters. RW's caves are scary, and add some additional scariness to them would be fun :)
    But personally I don't see it as a priority.

    RW needs some limitations, something, that would motivate us to mine, to expore, to farm.
    As I've said, the capability to improve your gear with genuinely rare resources would be a great starter.
    That's my opinion.

    Oh yeah. I can do a demo, but I don't really have lots of free time for that. If I can be sure that they staff will review my demos, then sure. Otherwise, the music I'm doing normally is quite different, and my demo for Rising World won't really be of use. It will simply end op lying on a shelf like dozens of other projects I made :/

    And by "free time" I mean time when I'm actually not tired and feel creative enough in order to be able to do music :)

    Yeah, your tread was under the "suggested treads" category, so I've had the chance to check it.
    I guess Waveshapr isn't too motivated to check this section for now, since there are too many complaints about obvious things.
    I mean, this game is on alpha and there's obviously a ton of work to be done. I guess this forum section will become relevant when we will get to beta.
    Too bad, my purpose was actually to help the devs with some of the tasks.
    Since I'm not programmer, all I can think of to help is music production.


    I'm new to this game (purchased it yesterday), and I'm in the process of discovering it.
    I'f you'd like to join me (especially if you're as new as I am), then comment below and I'll setup a server for that.
    We could talk on skype, build something, explore caves and discover all the features this game offers.
    I don't plan to create a big permanent server for lots of users.
    I just want something small and cozy where to spend a couple of hours, enjoying a friendly atmosphere.



    Hello there,

    I've discovered this game not long ago. Loved everything about it, honestly.
    I really hope that it will keep evolving until it becomes a fully-developed masterpiece.

    Talking about which, I'd love to contribute with some music tracks.
    Music composition and production was my hobby for the past 7 years, and I believe that I could do a couple (or even more) ambient songs for this great game.
    Hiring a musician might be quite expensive, so hopefuly, by doing this job for free, I could somehow contribute to this project.
    Consider it a fan contribution. I won't ask anythin in exchange.
    I mean, it'd be cool to have one extra membership for that (to use it as a gift for a friend), but it's all up to you.
    I love the game and I believe that I could be of help.

    If you are interested in this idea, I could make one song and post it here.
    Please let me know if there should be anything special about it (if you want to see any specific instruments, tempo, key, lenght, you name it)
