Posts by Jester Jay

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Not comparable to Minecraft? Rising World is based off of Minecraft, and has the same open, randomly-generated world comprised of many biomes and mobs. It has tools used to mine blocks and incorporates crafting in a medieval style to make things like torches. And Red himself stated he is adding monsters to the game. It's exactly Minecraft.

    Rising World needs a standard game mode without the ability to change gamma (Can't make caves brighter so you can see farther), turn on and off monsters, etc. Here's why.
    I've played Minecraft for 5 years now, and I have plenty of experience in the game, community, and YouTube. If you asked the Minecraft community, most would agree that the reason Minecraft became popular was because it became popular by YouTube let's players. And the reason let's players started making videos was because the first night in Minecraft was hard for newcomers, and they needed help. It was dark, there were tons of monsters, crafting recipes were unknown, etc. There's no way to turn off specific mobs in Minecraft because it would be too confusing if one person only wanted these monsters, and other people only wanted these other monsters. Many people also believe Minecraft became a lot easier when the Brightness meter was added. When this was added, night wasn't as dark and caves could be explored easily. You didn't have to fear the darkness and mystery anymore.

    This needs to be remembered when adding monsters to Rising World. When some people are allowed to disable a hard enemy, they aren't going to be looking up help on YouTube. It doesn't sound like much, but every person that searches for tutorials, etc. are helping make Rising World more popular on YouTube.

    You guys all say no to high-fantasy monsters, but say yes to high-fantasy friendly creatures. I don't think there should be dwarves, elves, zombies, etc. unless they are done in an original way. Zombies don't sound fun at all since there are zombies in every other survival game. I think the only monsters in this game should be based off of real-world creatures, such as the giant white spiders. We already know that monsters are going to be added to the game, yet people keep saying that they don't want it.

    I would support this, yet I'm one of those people whom fear spiders at a certain size and style. If they're the size of the ones in Skyrim then they're being disabled. Them, and Centipedes. Screw them both for giving me horrid moments. Scaring me to shit. I'd prefer zombies & even Creepers, even with many people protesting stupidly in paranoia.

    Yeah, go for it but they damn well better keep their distance from me once I get pissed off in being scared off. That, and I'd rather have basic zombies (first 7 days in 7 Days to Die) in very regional areas of the map that they'd be rare to encounter. Sorry if the wording comes off as rude, just that it's making me jumpy imagining a "what if".

    Keep in mind that there might be others with the same (or similar) fears, and that I'm open to the thought, just that I'd "NOPE" the right out of the cave. I would either "NOPE", or blast the thing to bits if it came closer to me.

    There's always something someone's afraid of. But that would almost be the goal of adding spiders entirely- to make a scary monster. Either way, Red can't stop from adding something to the game because some people have fears of it.

    As far as I know, caves are empty. I think a good way to counter players having free access to caves and all the ore would be to add spiders.

    The spiders would be the size of a player, pale white, and have glowing eyes. Spiders are afraid of light and will not go near torches unless there are several spiders in a group. There could also be a spider nest structure underground where a lot of spiders spawn. The nest would have a ton of webs and would also have a treasure chest as a reward for killing all the spiders.

    I've been noticing that recent Steam reviews are going down fast because many people believe that this game does not have enough content to warrant the price. I know that Red's working hard, but it'd be nice to get a notice on when the next update is coming. I especially want an update that adds some dangerous aspects of Rising World. Minecraft was so popular because it hard dangerous nights, and thus people looked up tutorials on how to survive throughout the night, and it exploded on YouTube. The same thing could happen to this game if there's a reason for people to look up tutorials. I feel this could really help this game gain popularity.

    I'm going to be honest here. There are tons of open-world survival games on Steam. Most of them are early access, and most of them are nearly indistinguishable from each other. Some of the games have zombies, and some don't, but they all focus on realism, building, and survival. This game is similar to those games, except it is based more similarly to Minecraft. Here's how I think this game can distinguish itself from the others.

    One of Minecraft's biggest "competitors" is Terraria. If you don't know, Terraria is a 2D, open-world, crafting game. As Terraria is 2D and uses low-resolution textures like Minecraft, there are tons of different enemies, NPCs, armors, weapons, blocks, etc. Most of Terraria's focus is on fantasy items, with a hint of real-world items too (There's magic AND guns). As far as I know, there aren't any finished 3D Terraria-like games on the market. Here are some things Rising World could have to distinguish itself:

    • Various biomes, such as one with tons of ravines and gems, or one with tall mountains and bridges)
    • Floating islands
    • Unique enemies (Doesn't have to be zombies, could be orc, or even a bunch of crazy human tribesmen)
    • Stronger boss enemies (Dragons, etc.)
    • Magic and/or magical weapons
    • Medieval-like armor/weapons
    • More modern-like armor/weapons
    • Item modifiers/enchantments
    • NPCs and markets
    • A lot of customization options
    • Progression (Start off weak, but go up against more powerful enemies as you get better)

    This is the list I have now, and I know some people may disagree in the direction the game would go, but it already has Mythril ore and a Hell biome under the map, so I think it wouldn't be unwelcome. This was a very simple list, but if I need to go more in-depth, I will. Thanks for reading.