Posts by Simplicus

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Thanks for all the replies, I've been "out of pocket" working on real world stuff for the last couple of days, but you've given me a starting point for trying some things out. I'm running a 64 bit system with a 64 bit java version, so that's not the issue. I also have 8GB installed in this machine, but the graphics card is probably a bit weak, as others have said. I may have to run it on my wife's computer...



    Hi, I'm new here. The game looks fabulous from what I can see, but I'm getting an error when I attempt to launch the game on my Mac. The login screen runs, then I get the initial splash screen. The app then exits. Here's the console log, it looks like the shaders cannot be recompiled (essentially a JMonkey error). Is anyone else seeing anything like this:

    Report of 11.08.2014 by edumobiledev
    OS: Mac OS X Version: 10.9.4 Java version: 1.7.0_55 JVM architecture: x86_64
    CPU cores: 2 Executor poolsize: 0
    Memory used: 590.40 MB reserved: 788.00 MB max: 1908.93 MB

    Existing buffers: 3719
    (b: 2280 f: 1007 i: 8 s: 424 d: 0)
    Total heap memory held: 576559kb
    Total direct memory held: 376361kb
    (b: 376138kb f: 199kb i: 0kb s: 23kb d: 0kb)

    Resolution: 1280x720 (Windowed)
    Frequency: 60 Vsync: off
    DepthBits: 16
    BitsPerPixel: 24
    Samples: 0
    MaxFrames: 200
    Renderer: LWJGL-OpenGL2

    Anisotropic: 0
    DynamicLights: 100 Quality: 2
    ViewDistance: 9 (LOD: 25)

    LS(Q)/LG/ENV/PHD/NM/FOD/FXAA/SPEC/REFR: 0(50)/1/0/1/1/1/0/1/1

    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 320M OpenGL Engine Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation OpenGL version: 2.1 NVIDIA-8.24.15 310.90.9.05f01
    Accelerated Memory: Indeterminate
    GLMaxTextureSize: 8192
    GLMaxTextureImageUnits: 16
    GLMaxArrayTextureLayers: 35071
    GLMaxVertexTextureImageUnits: 16
    GLMaxVertexUniforms: 4096
    GLMaxFragmentUniforms: 2048
    GLMaxVaryingFloats: 60
    GLMaxVertexAttribs: 16

    Capabilities: [FrameBuffer, FrameBufferMRT, FrameBufferMultisample, OpenGL20, OpenGL21, ARBprogram, GLSL100, GLSL110, GLSL120, VertexTextureFetch, TextureArray, FloatTexture, FloatColorBuffer, FloatDepthBuffer, PackedFloatTexture, SharedExponentTexture, PackedFloatColorBuffer, NonPowerOfTwoTextures, MeshInstancing, Multisample]

    Camera location: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Camera rotation: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    Total running time: 27.88366

    Error details:
    com.jme3.renderer.RendererException: Cannot recompile shader source
