Posts by BechGameplay

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Hi Server Owners!

    For the past few days i have been coding on this new project which i call "Rising World All-In-One". This plugin already some features, and more are coming.
    The reason why I made this plugin, is first of all I think that Rising World is a great game and i want to support it! Secondly, I made it because I found it hard to setup the different permissions, and i could not really find any wikis on how you would do it. Then the command system / console commands is not really the best in Rising World Right now. So yea, i made this plugin....

    Features right now:
    - /help - gives you a list of all commands.
    - /heal - Heal yourself / a player on the server. Also fixes broken bones.
    - /teleport - Teleports you to a location.
    - /settime - sets the time to day/night.
    - /group - Sets / views a players group.

    - Make your own groups with a "powerlevel". (powerlevel= a number that is the amount of power a group have. fx. 10, then the group can only access commands with the power 10 or below.)
    - Give a certain group prefixes in chat.
    - Broadcast a login message / first time login message.
    - Set the needed power for each command in my plugin.

    Features coming in the next few days:
    - /setspawn - Sets the world spawn for different groups.
    - /ban - Better ban manager (tempban maybe)
    - /kick - Better Kick manager.
    - /warp - Groups with the needed power can work to different server locations.
    - /protect - Protect an area where only people with the needed power can place / destroy terrain.
    - Make the "TAB" popup fancy.

    Features coming later:
    - /setweather - Sets the weather (waiting for API implement)
    - /team or /clan - Make your own team / clan on the server.
    - /vanish - Makes you invisible
    - Alot more to come.

    Thanks for reading!
    - Please reply to this thread if you want to test out the plugin :)

    Best Regards