Posts by ViralGamer

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)

    This game is different things, at different times, to different people. In order to fully advise someone on how to deal with the issue they are having, you must first determine their play style. From your posts, I am now beginning to think you might find it more to your liking to just give yourself what you need. Use the console which is the "`" or tilde key by default, to enter console mode. Then just type in 'item aluminiumingot 12' without the quotes. This will give you a dozen Aluminium ingots. No need to dig to find anything in this game, when you play in Single Player, you are basically an Admin in your own world. If building is why you are their, do not bother with mining or searching. Just give yourself what you need and build whatever you want. You can even just enter 'gm 1' to enter Creative Mode and use the workbenches to create anything. No need to even find the resources. Plus, you can use F2 to enter fly mode and go underground directly to the dungeons. So, no need to even look for them by mining.

    I have attached a list of all the items and objects for you to use. If you need help in the console just type 'item help' or 'object help' without the quotes.


    • Items.7z

      (17.26 kB, downloaded 379 times, last: )

    Basically, 8x8x8 lighted cubes you can attach together to form lighted tunnels like in Fallout 4. They come in Red, Green, and Blue in dead-end, 2-way, 2-way Right, 2-way Left, 3-way, 4-way and a bulkhead. I use these in Creative Mode, so that I don't go through a million blueprints. The tunnel is big enough to bring your mule. This combination of cubes allows you to build entire cities underground if you want. Would be cool if they snapped, but you can manage. There are uniform stripes on the walls that help you line up the cubes. They make mining way more fun. I have the other colors too. Let me know if you want me to upload them as well. Enjoy.

    The pictures were taken before I added the tops of the cubes. This allows you to see the wall better. But, the blueprints include the walls.

    Also, the mule cant go through the bulkhead door.

    Google translate did not do the best job with my description. If someone could help out I would appreciate it. Thank you.

    NEW: Added Yellow, Black, and Magenta.

    Grundsätzlich können 8x8x8 beleuchtete Würfel zusammengefügt werden, um wie in Fallout 4 beleuchtete Tunnel zu bilden. 4-Wege und ein Schott. Ich verwende diese im Kreativmodus, damit ich nicht eine Million Blaupausen durchsehe. Der Tunnel ist groß genug, um dein Maultier mitzubringen. Diese Würfelkombination ermöglicht es Ihnen, ganze Städte unterirdisch zu bauen, wenn Sie möchten. Wäre cool, wenn sie schnappen würden, aber man schafft es. An den Wänden befinden sich gleichmäßige Streifen, mit denen Sie die Würfel aufstellen können. Sie machen Bergbau viel mehr Spaß. Ich habe auch die anderen Farben. Lassen Sie mich wissen, ob Sie sie auch hochladen möchten.

    Genießen.DasDie Bilder wurden gemacht, bevor ich die Würfeloberseiten hinzufügte. So können Sie die Wand besser sehen. Aber die Pläne enthalten die Wände.

    Auch das Maultier kann nicht durch die Schotttür gehen.

    Google translate hat mit meiner Beschreibung nicht den besten Job gemacht. Wenn jemand helfen könnte, wäre ich dankbar. Vielen Dank.

    @red51 I have only experienced this issue a few minutes after I exit the game with no other players on the server, then leave my server running. I have seen no other effects in game, or trying to get in game. Although, I was able to log back into a session after this error had occurred, but the database would no longer update. I ended up just restarting my server.


    FYI: I was able to resolve this issue by changing to an older version of Java SE. Doesn't identify the problem. But, at least fixed it for me.

    I am having the same issue. Although, this is just a test server I am running from home. The Java IO Exceptions are at the bottom of my log file.
    So far, this has only occurred when I have logged off of the server and leave it running. I have not had the server shut down while I am logged in.
    Hope this helps.

    Log file attached.



    • 1534735615.log

      (44.69 kB, downloaded 409 times, last: )

    Resolved. Notes at end of post.

    This server was running on my home PC a week or so ago. I restarted today and got this error. I even backed up the folder, deleted it, reinstalled from Steam and restarted. Same error. The only thing I can think that I changed was a Java update to the latest java. Also tried 32 bit Java. Still get the same error.

    UPDATE: Got it working. Had my Java path statement incorrect. Switched to 32bit java jdk "bin" folder in path and it is now working.

    Will RWDS run on a 64bit java jdk?

    This occurs when we try to use GPS and possibliy PNB. It seems to have something to do with the order in which users are doing things in the GUI.

    From what I can tell, it has something to do with sizing the window frame. But I may be way off.

    Problem is that we are having multiple server FATAL ERROR server crashes a day due to Null Pointer Exception. Any suggestions anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.

    Here are the plugins we are using.

    RWGUI 0.5.0
    PC 0.1.0
    BANK 0.2.0
    UPS 0.2.1
    PNB 0.4.1
    GPS 1.3.1
    Weather 0.1.1

    And the scripts

    Admin Tools
    Area Protection
    World Edit

    Could it be some kind of compatibility issue?

    I have a dedicated server set up and running on my workstation at home for testing and development of a new world to be implemented in a few days. It is set to invisible and password protected. Other users can access from all over the world. I can access it if I use localhost as my IP address and I am running the client on the server itself.

    The problem is that when I try to get on the server from another computer (I have tried both at home, and from another network.), Steam gives me a warning that I am logged on to another computer running the dedicated server and that if i log in here, it will disconnect me there.

    Is there any way to connect to my server other than from my server and avoid this issue?

    Hope this question is not too confusing.



    After the recent update, i was able to log in once and was transferring items from a chest and crashed to menu. But now I cannot log back in, and other players can get in. Also, I can run the SP game just fine. I tried uninstalling the client and reinstalling, but that did not help. I am an Admin on this server (Rosalia). So, I took a look at the logs and they do not show anything unusual, just me trying to log in and then disconnecting. Here is the error log from my client side.
    It looks to be a problem with a chest. I was in the middle of transferring files from a chest the last time I logged in, and then my game crashed to the menu screen.
    What can I do to fix this? Would having another admin destroy all of my chests solve the problem?

    Resolved. Had to have a logged in admin use clearinventory the deleteplayer console commands. Was able to log right in after.

    It not a problem we are just pulling the lights when we see them and leaving the rest, then dynamite on the entrances. Planning a portal system to send players out away from currently explored areas to go dungeon diving. Then portal back. It is a chance to explore new areas. 8o

    It's mentioned that any command can be ran only by admin, does this mean any legacy/classic admin in the config file, any member of the admin group, ....

    I have this same concern. What I have found is the commands only work if you are in the legacy/classic admin group (i.e. listed in the server properties). Is there any way to work around this issue, or can the code be added to check for membership in an admin permissions group?

    boisseau, It may be that your ISP is blocking the ports. I had to contact my ISP and let them know I was setting up a game server. They brought me a different router. They referred to it as a "bridge" router. Apparently, the one that I had was using a NAT for my IP addresses in my home and was itself on a NAT from the ISP. This is referred to as double NATing and the RW Server (or any game server) does not work well in this setup. As soon as I plugged in the new router, my server was visible in the list.

    Hope this helps you.

    I am finding that some of the dungeons that previously existed are now missing walls, floors, and ceilings. I checked and it is happening our server (Rosalia) as well as on my other worlds. Basically you go underground in fly mode you find entire dungeons gone except for the lighting, traps, chests, and bones.

    I tried converting one of my server worlds by moving it to the single player worlds folder. This didn't fix the issue. Is our only recourse to start a new world?

    Is anyone else having this issue?