Posts by PlainVanilla

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Another possibility, perhaps more realistic, is that you can go to the frame and "measure it", then go with the measurements of the shape to the saw bench and build the part. This also would mean that it can calculate how much wood it needs and use all that is required, thous not having the same limits as normal planks.


    I like that...and it would give us another tool to add, the tape measure.

    @TheRadioman03 no a new world start is not necessary for this update but would think that the new plants will only appear in not yet generated regions of the world, this was a small update considering what there is to come in the next (the big update) ;)

    Actually I had both of the new plants load in when I opened up my server. I had last logged out at the spawn area so I'm not sure if that makes any difference.

    I realize that it's been awhile since anyone posted but I have a couple questions about this plugin.

    1st: Does it go into the plugins or scripts folder?

    2nd: Where on the screen do the measurements show up?

    First, no scripts or plugins at this time, although I am considering Area Protection, Admin Tools and GPS. I thought that setspawn only worked for players' personal spawns, not the world one.
    As for the elevation, usually it's at least 20-30 blocks below surface on plains and deeper for hills and mountains.

    I will try the different color code and we're definitely waiting for the next update. One of our players is hoping that eventually she'll be able to change chat size because it's hard to read the small type for her.

    Thanks for the back to my new addiction, er game. :D

    I have a few questions that hopefully someone can answer.

    1. I'm interested to know about server host options. Right now I use Nitrado but I'm not 100% sold on it; I also know about GTXGaming and PingPerfect. Are there any USA based companies that provide hosting? The three above are all in Europe so customer service can be slow and my current job pays on a prepaid card. I've tried switching to direct deposit but they don't offer it (small company who doesn't want the expense of checks I'm told). Prepaid cards don't allow automatic overseas payments, just one time buys and that makes keeping a host problematic.

    2. How do you move the server worldspawn point for new players? Right now it seems to be random, at least for us. One person was spawned underground, another in water and I spawned on top of a bear. I'd like a dedicated spawn area without having to go in and clear out the entire section where the 3 known spawns were.

    3. Using the goto command will almost always put the user underground. While I understand that goto #origin will do this if the terrain at 0,0,0 is higher than y=0, it shouldn't do this for goto playerX, correct?

    4. Chat Colors. I can get the basic player names to show up in color but not their text and admin show up as the same color as players.
    Here's the code for the admin.permissions file (currently still the default):

    group: Admin
    chatnamecolor: 0x0000FF
    chatprefix: (Admin)
    chatprefixcolor: 0x0000FF
    shownametag: true
    showadmintag: true
    nametagcolor: 0x0000FF
    nametagprefix: (Admin)
    nametagprefixcolor: 0x0000FF

    And here's the one for the default.permissions:

    chatcolor: 0xF1DF60
    chatnamecolor: 0xF1DF60