I have a few questions that hopefully someone can answer.
1. I'm interested to know about server host options. Right now I use Nitrado but I'm not 100% sold on it; I also know about GTXGaming and PingPerfect. Are there any USA based companies that provide hosting? The three above are all in Europe so customer service can be slow and my current job pays on a prepaid card. I've tried switching to direct deposit but they don't offer it (small company who doesn't want the expense of checks I'm told). Prepaid cards don't allow automatic overseas payments, just one time buys and that makes keeping a host problematic.
2. How do you move the server worldspawn point for new players? Right now it seems to be random, at least for us. One person was spawned underground, another in water and I spawned on top of a bear. I'd like a dedicated spawn area without having to go in and clear out the entire section where the 3 known spawns were.
3. Using the goto command will almost always put the user underground. While I understand that goto #origin will do this if the terrain at 0,0,0 is higher than y=0, it shouldn't do this for goto playerX, correct?
4. Chat Colors. I can get the basic player names to show up in color but not their text and admin show up as the same color as players.
Here's the code for the admin.permissions file (currently still the default):
chatprefixcolor: 0x0000FF
nametagprefixcolor: 0x0000FF
And here's the one for the default.permissions: