Posts by Peridotite

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Environmental diseases is what you'll indeed see in the future. Having to stay hot in cold biomes and cold in hot biomes, yup. That's planned. Go play 7 Days to Die and you'll get a basic idea of where Rising World is going. You'll catch as cold, and etc from the environment that you'll have to worry about quite a lot with medicine being of high importance for when you survive.

    How detailed is to be seen, yet wouldn't be surprised if we would see diseases naturally in swamp to ward off. Hogweeds themselves you'll have to be well protected in long sleeves so you wouldn't get skin irritation in the game.

    There's a lot planned. You can see small signs of such in the winter type biomes when your character exhales. That in itself.......As for collapses in mines, I'd say leave that for Medieval Engineer as things might get a bit too tedious. Maybe some falling debris here and there, I guess, which would force you to wear a mining helmet and such for safety to negate damage.

    Ohh neat! I have noticed the breathing bits which had me thinking! I actually own 7 Days to Die, but I haven't played it in over a year. Mostly cause zombies scare me terribly...

    As for the mines, I considered mentioning cave ins, however, I was more or less thinking of poisonous gasses and or maybe even air depletion in places too far from the surface. Though that would be an issue with the undegeons underground so this is not really that important.

    I don't think pumpkin smoothies would taste good, but it would be cool to be an option anyway! Or even have roasted pumpkin seeds! I love those for sure! They don't even have to be very filling and with salt- omg. It would be awesome.

    Ohh I didn't think about metal working! Yea that would be so cool! Oh man.

    I am a little iffy on importing music- but I imagine lots of people really-really want to do this. I just worry about copy-right infringements for songs that are still under protection.

    As for the gramophone, I was using mine the other day and I realise that I wish it was a bit louder. It's a little too quiet even when you're standing RIGHT besides it.

    As I play, I've been thinking about what might be in the game in the future. One of the things I'm hoping to see is environmental hazards like cold damage in snowy regions, heat damage in desert and savannah areas, and maybe the possibility of disease in swamps/bogs if there is any. Right now, besides our own mistakes, predators, and drowning. There isn't a lot of other hazards to worry about.

    Maybe even weather hazards would be something to look forwards too as well! I've only recently started to play so I don't really know what is all planned for the game but I figured I could come here and toss around my thoughts with the community and find out.

    I also think it could be interesting for environmental hazards in mines, something that even miners in real life had to be cautious of.

    Do you mean, that you want to record your own sounds in Rising World or to craft the existing records? And if you mean to craft the records that exist in the game isn't that ingame pirate copying? 8|

    That's a good question!

    I do mean being able to craft the records that are currently available from resources you have in the world. It's not pirate copying, it's just giving some or all the records a crafting recipe.

    Minecraft does something similar with a small amount of their records, some can be made or created out of situational happenstance. For example, if a skeleton kills a creeper it drops a record called Cat and only that record.

    The goal is just to try and make them a little more accessible. Even if it's just one or two records in the game.

    Ohh yea! The sunset and rise is pretty! But that mining, I was doing some heavy rock mining the other day and I got to noticing that the sounds your pick makes around ores changes depending on how much ore is in the rock where you hit compared to just hitting stone. So like, hitting a heavy density of copper makes a metallic sound but further away around the edges the sound changes. I'm really enjoying that a lot.

    Minecraft is definitely a whole other experience, it is also the first open-world-voxel game I had ever played. It has it's own good moments, but they certainly don't have the same eye for detail that the creators and developers of Rising World has. I like both, but they're certainly difficult to compare, at least for me. I like that we don't have to draw out the shapes of what we're making in Rising World that part I am definitely not missing!

    Wow! It sounds like this game has had quite an impact! It's really great to know that this game is able to do something positive for a user, I'm really glad you shared your story! I'm really hoping to get my family into this game too, and be able to have something to that we can all be together one again. As I mentioned above, I used to play Minecraft and we used to play that together. But I think Rising World has a richer environment. Maybe you can share some screen shots of your builds, that would be fun to see.

    I thought it would be a good idea to make a thread where people talk about what they like about Rising World. There is so many posts about what can be improved, what we want in the game, what's going wrong. Instead, let's talk about what we do like in the game, the things we feel that they have right so far that really make Rising World special. The focus here isn't about how to improve, or what to improve. While undoubtedly improvements can be made, this thread is focusing on positivity! Sure we can let the numbers do the talking but why not tell them what it is that keeps us coming back? What keeps us playing and inviting others to try their game and hoping that they'll love it too. The things that make us excited.

    I'll start by talking about the weather; rain and weather systems in games isn't loved by everyone, I know. But I'm in love with the rain in this game, I find it to be really soothing and it's not a loud noise that's abrasive. I have had experience from other games where I just turn off the volume while it's raining because the sound of the rain isn't pleasant. Then there is the storms! It's awesome how the thunder can at times sound far away or close by, like it does in real life. I'm really looking forwards to seeing how this system evolves.

    Honestly, I can go on about what I really love about this game so far but I want to hear from the community too, let's make this a fun discussion!

    not sure if woodworking or wall clocks are planned but pretty much everything else on that list is planned or atleast being considered.

    The API does support importing custom static 3d models. So if you want to import some wooden models you could use the Static Models plugin.


    I'll suggest this to my server owner! Thank you.

    Some ideas some maybe already in the works and I just don't know yet.

    However, I would like to see recipes in the game. We have all this food and right now we can't do anything with them besides eating and cooking the meat- and well eating the meat. It would be fun to make something like an apple pie, lemonade, baked potatoes, or even a roast. With the new use of paper, players could make their own recipe cards! that'd be fun.

    Placeable items. Things were can put on the shelf, which currently can't actually contain anything. I'd like to fill it with books, or place ore on the shelf, or flowers. That would be really cool and a neat way to enrich our in home environment. I would also like to be able to put flowers in the vases we make.

    Currently we only have posters, moose antlers, and moose heads that can be put on a wall. I'm hoping to see more things like mirrors, decorative plates, or really anything else... Oh! Wall clocks! And maybe bigger sizes for the curtains. I didn't stay within the 2x2 window size and frankly the currents we have now can't be expanded to fit.

    Sliding glass doors? That would be neat, or at least glass doors.

    Some things I am not sure if anyone has mentioned yet:

    • Fish and fishing? We have all this water, that would be really cool!
    • Woodworking, to make decorations like figurines.
    • Making pumpkins edible. They have a lot of uses as a food, like pumpkin pie, pumpkin juice, baked pumpkin.
    • Adding spices like pepper, salt, cinnamon, cumin, ect.
    • Improved water manipulation, I'm sure this is being worked on, but mentioning it to show interest.
    • Alternative use for the furs we get besides leather: like a blanket or maybe be able to make them pelt rugs like the bear.
    • Carpets or carpet textured blocks.
    • Misc. things like candles, wax, the ability to pick up and move light fixtures.
    • Craft Records for the Gramophone, I know we can find them (and they're difficult to find for sure) but it would be nice to be able to at least maybe craft a handful of what's available.
    • More colors and styles for the Gramophone.