Posts by LordwolF76

    Firstly This Game Is Amazing. I have never used such a complete and freeform building system, ever. Just getting that out of the way.

    I know the game is really Alpha. Red is pushing awesome updates every two to three months.

    The question is: Are the game and API at the point where one could start writing plugins that add new objects, tools, machines, etc...?
    The dev's will no doubt add some of the things I would like to start modding in, but alot of my ideas will never be "vanilla"
    so, I'm just wondering from a programming standpoint if we are at the safe enough to start learning using the tools we have been given?

    I have been looking in the API, and looking at the examples, but am seeing a lot of different types of plugins but wasnt seeing new item plugins per se, is the only reason I'm asking before getting to far into it.

    I thank anyone in advance for their opinions and advice.