I think we use his world then.. as he plays the most I just keep one where i play a little solo for myself
Thanks so much for your help
Posts by smoelfen1978
Reinstalling worked!! Now we can play together whee!! Thanks so much for your time and patience. I simply adore this game. Small questions about playing together if I may.
1 )Are we able to group, or form some sort of "collective" so we can use eachothers stuff.
2) we use my world to play on, but if I log off can husband still play on the same world so he can earn progress while I sleep ?Thanks in advance for helping
we only have windows defender and im iffy about turning that off... but i made sure the ports are open in the firewall as well and that Rising world is allowed through as well as the java exe. The ping works fine. I get a rsponce and so does hubby.... Ive been told that it might help to uninstall and install it again.. so we are trying that now
Im using the internal ip adress which is 192.168.x.y y is the only one different between our two computers.
I was told to forward ports so we did
but even before it does not work when connection to LAN. It just says "cannot connect to (insert ip here)
I did port triggering too
Oki Husband and I play on each our computer but in the same household. We are connected to the same router but with each our cable.. We are connected to the same router and i have forwarded ports 4255-4259 through the router. But when trying to play LAN i get a Unable to connect to (insert ip adresshere). When we check our ip adress (goggle what is my ip adress) its the same on both computers. But when we google internal ip adress its different from computer to computer and neither of those ip is working towards connecting
am i doing something wrong in the portforwarding?
Ive tried the dedicated server but after i press the any key nothing happens (see screenshot)
I would just like to know what ive done wrong
thanks in advance