Posts by Cosmicscribbles

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    I'd just be happy with more weather, and volcanic lighting in hell.

    Well, I mean if he does plan on having zombie dog's, I hope it has alot of a sense of believably behind it if it were real.
    That's why I actually got this game because of the quality and detail and a sense of realism. But i'm not everyone.
    Also, not sure how to suggest thing's openly. I thought red Would keep an eye in this forum.
    I'm really glad this isn't abondonware. Can't wait to see updates and such in the future then!

    So, You're saying it is possible to find abandon wooden shacks in the winter biome then?
    Update: I got really lucky and managed to find this.

    @ArcticuKitsu 9.18.2017

    About the creatures in the biomes
    I would like to point out first directly, "Zombie dogs for hell & monsters for dungeons as well". It's a really great idea, but I don't think it would fit into the style of this game.
    Komodo dragon's and nile monitor's could work for the dungeon. It's just an idea however.

    About the criticism
    I mainly only found the eras confusing because if there are future updates, How far would they be willing to go into the modern era?
    So would there be car's and trains that run off from stream, or coal even? That's about it.

    Geological occurrences
    Now something I've seen vary rarely in games is geological occurrences. Perhaps instead of zombie dog's, there can be earthquakes or volcanic lightning.
    Even if that's possible. However I don't design games, I'm a learning illustrator. It's probably extremely difficult in programs to design stuff like that.

    I didn't expect to see a comment like yours, but thanks for the big responce! I got really frustrated with the game because I completely deleted my world thinking, I
    could repair and build a fort in a generated abandoned shed found in the snow biome. I look it up on the wiki, and it seems they are only in the forest biome, as I'm only aware of.
    I'll probably continue to update this, when I have more thoughts.
    I just really hope this has not become abondonware or is leading to that.

    I see abandon/collapsed structures in the water. I'm unsure if this was meant to be part of the dungeons.

    However, When you say more vegetation, Would that also include marine vegetation. Like A coral reef for example?
    Also, would there be more biomes in the future?

    I plan on continuing to update my suggestion's thread here. I see incredibly alot of potential in this game.
    But it's still in early access. Here are some suggestions.

    This is a really big suggestion for me. I would really enjoy to see Bow's and arrows implanted in this game.
    Note: Red51 on steam said that this is going to be implanted into the game. But pretty much gotta rework some stuff. (April 14,2015 5:03 am.)

    Aquatic Transportation:
    I've seen numerous suggestion's in this forum on transportation with steam-powered locomotives. Also horses, and wagons.
    But would there be a means of aquatic transportation, On top of the water (Boats), and below the water perhaps?

    (I'm thinking very early generation submarines, but I don't think this would be very plausible).
    I really insanely suggest the boats/canoes though. Even viking ships. Or late era european wooden ships.

    (Criticisms/Confusions I have with this game):
    I'm a little confused on the era that this game is placed in. Because I see all this old/timy medieval Equipment and gear.
    Then all of a sudden, I can craft a modern leather couch that looks like it belongs in someone's video game room. Not that I don't like it. I don't understand it.
    Knight's don't have modern toilets either.

    I understand this game is meant for building, but would it make sense to make a couch that fit's the era?
    There is electronic's in this game. So there could be multiple era's going on.

    But if that's true. Could there be old school automobiles that run off from coal? Or even a diving kit? At least something to travel underneath the water.
    Like perhaps a strength/endurance meter to swim longer in the water.
    I'm not sure honestly, I'f I knew the era of this game, Then I'd probably have better suggestions.

    I've already seen this suggested in the forums, but it would be really neat to see aquatic life in both freshwater, and seawater. (Big Subnautica fan)
    (Reptiles too)

    Not sure if it's in the forums already, but fences would be really nice, espically for organizing animals, and crops.

    Land transportation:
    I just got an idea, Being from more the west, If this game is going to add horses and wagons,
    Do you think it would be really neat to add buffalo and wagons? Or allow both horses and buffalo to carry wagons?

    Since this Game is heavily based on realism, Would it be possible to have a jackleg drill in the game, To make mining and destroying blocks faster?

    More Creatures:

    Perhaps biome based? More hostile creatures. Perhaps marine. There's already been thread's about more creatures in the forums here.

    I've seen this already suggested in the forums, But it would be really neat to see alot of diversity.
    Also, alot of structures as well. Perhaps, a fishing villages biome, or castle biome with a city merch, and a forgery inside it.

    Now, It would be really neat to have season's change in biomes. But That might be a really difficult one.
    The average fps's I play on is around 20-25, however, I really appreciate the tremendous amount of detail that has been put into this game.

    Update: 9.16.2017

    It would be really neat to be able to submit bug's in rising world. (Like subnautica's approach )
    Or have a Bug list here on forums, (Completely new to these forums, so there might be one already)
    That's all I have so far. I can't wait for more updates.

    I'm not sure what's going on with water, or the physics of water. It's mostly a placeholder, I learned right now.


    It would be really neat to have lances in this game.