That was so simple. I just need to rename the permission folder. Thank you!
Posts by Jackle80
yahwho Thank you for your reply. I attempted changing that but my server still loads with the following in the logs with all users not having keep inventory enabled:
Check world version:
Load world 'New Beginnings' (SQLite)
[WARNING] [22:20:59] No permissions folder found!
[WARNING] [22:20:59] No default permission found!
SQLite version: 3.27.2
Thanks in advance for any insight. -
Thank you for always being approachable.
Texas has your back. Great work here. In the mean time is there a way to change permissions to keep inventory for the children.
Have a great weekend!
Mad respect for all your hard work. Wife, kids and myself have been digging holes since you dropped the world generation update and having a blast. A few things we've experienced/noticed:
~ If multiple people are in chests one person closing theirs will close all chests open~ If in your inventory and someone closes a chest it closes your inventory as well
~ If you die you are unable to claim your gear from your body
We will continue to document. Can video capture as well if needed. Thanks again for all y'alls hard work.
Coming from the ARK community several buddies now playing Rising World are inquiring if the beds could be used as beacons for fast travel? You would arrive naked but utilizing outposts would be far more feasible. Just an idea. Thanks.
Doin a great job here!
Thank you for that suggestion. It's only a month or 2. Me, kids and close friends. Probably around 10 people since the first of the year. I covered it with rock now my question is if you dig there will it reappear or will it have been corrected by the stone going over it? I love a good mystery.
Thank you so much! You are doing a great job and my whole clan is enjoy it.
I'm not seeing anything pop on my searches so I apologize if this is repetitive. I host a small server for my kids and once someone respawns they are invisible. Trackable only by their name tag sometimes. Is this a setting or a bug? Logging out and back in will remedy. I appreciate any assistance up front. Thank you.
While exploring this morning I noticed a black hole on a hillside. Upon further investigation it is a black hole that looks upon the subterranean as you would if clipping through. Coordinates were at 107/1338. Not sure if there is something I can do on the server to prevent this? I have covered it up with stone and can walk over but threat still exists. Thanks.