Posts by zIpPeDy

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    I too, would love it if we could hear other players approaching (though I have to admit I didn’t even realize we COULDN’T hear them! - Now I know that when I get nervous at the sound of footsteps - there’s no need - it’s just another pig!)

    I would also love it if the option to disable the ‘tab’ window existed. When playing PvP, it removes so much of the challenge of tracking someone, and by the same token, increases the risk of being attacked greatly (since it is so easy to pinpoint another’s whereabouts).

    When I first joined PvP Servers, I was (mistakenly) under the impression that by trekking far from the initial spawn point before settling down, and then disguising my base/home, I was making it difficult for attackers to locate me. I thought they’d miss me entirely, or give-up the search because of the difficulty in finding me. Stealth (on both sides) would be rewarded. The ’tab’ window makes such subterfuge largely irrelevant.

    Of course, if there IS no ‘tab’ window, then hearing other players becomes that much more important! All the other sounds in this wonderful game are amazing. I love the insect and bird sounds (though would dearly love to SEE flying birds/flocks of birds, even if only, in the distance), and have been marvelling at all the different sounds of blocks (including the fact that they sound different depending on WHERE they are placed!)

    I like the fact, Juggernaut, that your server does NOT utilize chest protection, thus adding an element of nervous haste to establishing a claim (appropriate on a PvP server). This DOES make the fact that chests etc. are accessible through walls problematic, however, so I too, hope this is addressed in the future. [I tested it, and one of my chests was accessible through a wall from a distance of 4.5 blocks.]

    I apologize for my verbal excess (can't help it - I love this game so)!

    I apologize for the lateness of this post - but your solution worked PERFECTLY! Thank-you very much.

    I'm not particularly computer-lingo savvy, (and I also have a Mac) so I had to figure out what a Game Directory was (for other Mac newbies - it is the Folder named 'RisingWorld'). So I firstly unzipped the that red51 attached above, then I put the resulting folder named permissions into the RisingWorld Folder.

    For others who use Steam and might have difficulty finding this folder, the entire path is as follows (each of the following is a folder): Your Computer (whatever it's named)-->Your Hard Drive (ditto)-->Users-->Your Home Folder (usually your name?)-->Library-->Application Support-->Steam-->SteamApps-->common-->RisingWorld

    [This is on a MacBook Pro using macOS Sierra 10.12.6]

    My partner and I like playing together, but when she presses the F3 key she doesn't see what I believe is called the 'debug" info. She only sees the other two info displays (Buffer? and FPS? - I never look at THEM, so I'm trying to remember what they show!? LOL).

    My guess is that maybe only the 'host' of the game, is allowed to see the debug info, but as it includes so much valuable information such as coordinates (especially altitude), direction, hunger and thirst levels, etc. I frequently reference it whilst playing and wish that my partner could too.

    Is it normal that someone else joining my Singleplayer game is not able to see the Debug info, or can we do something to correct that?

    My partner and I are trying out PvP in our own game (Singleplayer - Friends joining). When we created the game, one of us spawned in, then had 20 minutes of real-life time to walk as far away from the spawn point as possible (we aren't allowing flying or the F3 key).

    We've been playing for a few days now, and I've just stumbled upon a pit with a ladder protruding! EUREKA!

    What I would like to do now, is hide in tall grass, or behind a tree until she comes out of the pit and then try to follow her to her base (which MAY actually be IN the pit?) - however it is very hard to be stealthy with a huge name banner above your head which can be seen from ?miles? away. When I stand on a hill-top, I have to remember to stand against a tree trunk so that the tree's branches obscure the banner (I hope they do, anyway!), but in this case I want to follow her, NOT just stand still.

    Is it possible to NOT display your name banner, as in this instance, it is a hindrance?

    @botchikii: Thanks for the feedback :)

    It will take some moments until servers are updated ;) Depending on how server admins handled their servers previously, this update probably requires a lot of changes for them (since the server is now only available through Steam). But I'm confident that the server list gets populated shortly

    Oh I see! I'm a beginner at this game and ALSO a beginner when it comes to game updates ;) Thank-you for your response!

    Just updated on Steam and in Multiplayer either can't see any Servers EXCEPT Default Rising World Server - or the other Servers listed all say their ping is 999 (and Default Rising World Server has a ping of 500something). (I use a Mac and am on the west coast of Canada.)