Posts by bellablu

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Do you run the server on your local machine? In this case it's important to keep the "server_ip" field in the blank, and also make sure that all ports are forwarded (by default, ports 4254-4259 TCP and UDP).
    Can you send me the IP + port of the server (if you don't want to post it here, you can alternatively send it via PM to me) ;)

    Still no luck. I do run it on my machine.

    Well, I ran the Rising World server tool through steam and set up my server. I moved my files over from the old world and changed permission settings and renamed their example file as was needed. It seems to be running fine when I launch the server file but my server is still not showing up in server lists. There must be something I'm doing wrong still but I can't figure it out.

    Have you been able to login previously? The hive should be running, and there is no attack going on right now... Do you use the Steam version, or the standalone?

    Does this mean your friends have an "Offline" icon in the top right corner of the screen (in the main menu), or can't they find/join the server?

    Yes, they have offline icons under their names.

    There was another DDoS attack yesterday, but it was over around 10-11 hours ago. Right now there should be no more login issues. If you cannot join a server, I'd recommend to restart the game. If it still does not work, please let us know

    I am having no problems at all now, HOWEVER, 2 of my friends who play on my server are still showing it as offline. I've tried every recommendation I can think of for them

    I have yet to figure out why I am kicked out of the admin group each time I relogin to the server. When I type it says admin next to my name but none of my set admin permissions are available until I type setplayergroup and put myself into the admin category again.

    I would love to be able to set other players to groups but if it doesn't stick for me, I double it will stick for them either.

    Yes, when I add myself to my admin group all settings are correct. When I restart the game all of my admin abilities given by the admin group are removed and I have to add myself to the group each time I log in

    Thank you SO much! I finally got it working! I truly appreciate the help!

    I have created a server and everything seems to be working alright EXCEPT...
    when I login I am a regular player, so I added myself to admin under the server file.
    I am able to do all of the default admin commands and abilities just fine this way, except I am unable to keep inventory on death.
    I have this ability set up in general and it works for regular members, however I am unable to have the same abilities in admin.
    I tried adding a general section in the admin permissions file, but still nothing. I can not for the life of me figure out how to give myself keep inventory as admin. The only way I can seem to get around this is to do my admin functions then shut down the server and remove myself as admin from the server file and restart the server again. This is frustrating to other players. What am I doing wrong. I have been searching the forums and can't seem to find this subject.
    Thank you!