Posts by kiksoft

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)

    My problem is my server private is a SYNOLOGY not linux(centos or ubuntu full install), before i download the new server *.gz or *.zip for server dedicate on this forum.
    i deflate on my server , i duplicate my policy on my WORLD and in proprety user/password on my game.
    i launch steam my beautifull marvellous RISING WORLD (very best game!!!) and i connect on my serveur IP, i insert my password and start game on my WORLD.

    now :(

    to get around the problem, I get my world back and implement locally. but no more synology server


    @red51 : Thanks for your explications !!!! 8o continue your great job on this very best games 8o8o8o8o8o


    I very sad, my personal server is on my synology server, but since the new update my server is not match with this new version.
    i look and read your update and i very angry. You valide the SERVERCMD on steam .....

    Please return on your old first strategy. And never forget why you create this game and your root !!!

    Best regard for this game BEFORE this update