Posts by Hartsa

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    What kind of commands do you mean exactly? Commands for admins (which can be typed into the ingame console), or input commands which can be sent to the server process?
    About animals: unfortunately they don't respawn yet, so the only way to get new npcs is to use the spawnnpc command, although this only spawns a single animal (so it can be a lot of work to repopulate the world this way)...

    Commands for admins can be googled but input commands which can be sent to the server process seem to be no where to be found. These kind of stuff should be stickied.

    Are there any list for linux dedicated server commands?
    Also another problem: Im very new to the game so I have been running around my friends server shooting everything that moves without looting or anything. How long does it take for animals to spawn back and if they dont spawn can the spawns be reset or something? Couple kilometer radius from our village seems to be pretty empty now. :(

    It didint work. vsync limited my fps but cpu is still very high in p2p servers but not in single player or public servers. Unlucky for me p2p is the way I wanna play.

    vsync limits my fps to 60 so it works. If I go to single player or any public server everything works fine and my cpu stays at 40-45% with and without vsync. Tested with 2 pub server and ran around starting village. When I go to my friends p2p server my cpu jumps up.

    I will try vsync next time. I got nvidia card and drivers so I guess I can try something with those? Any specific setting I should add to risingworldx64.exe ? Also forgot to add my specs if those matter. nvidia gtx 1060 3gb, i5 3570K, 16gb, rising world installed to ssd.

    Is there way to limit FPS in or something to reduce CPU usage? My game runs 120-200fps and uses 80-90% cpu all the time. When I move around world in my friends p2p server my ping goes between 50-31000 and I need to stay still in some small area and then game functions ok in that area. Rly hard to explore.