Posts by laacis2

    Control mode is when you press crtl, then use arrows and pg up pg down to move. Useful for fine position adjustments, however outside 90 degree to grid alignment, it moves weirdly, zig zag but not quite.

    I would like to see new materials added, such as:

    Tiles (stone, porcelain, slate, concrete, marble)
    with same mechanics as wood.

    Tarmac, gravel, stone, concrete with new placement mechanics, where the material will form a mound similarly to stone/sand, however will not pull and blend the existing terrain except itself.
    Additionally also can be rotated in same angles as planks, and only will place if there's solid surface underneath.

    Plywood and other large sheet materials, that can be made as big as 3x3m size (based on assumption, that current wood is max 3m long).

    Corrugated steel sheets.

    Resizing doors anywhere from roughly 1m high to 2m high, 60cm wide to 1m wide, default at 75 x 190 (current?)

    Double doors (opening direction chagable using page up page down perhaps)

    Hello. I really love the construction detail and flexibility of this game, however i would like to see certain mechanics slightly improved.

    The main thing i love about using wood is the ability to build independent from the grid.
    However in control mode adjusting position still works based on the grid, which makes the adjusting position painful procedure.

    I would like to see this changed so the position in control mode will adjust based on which direction the material is facing on horizontal plane, rather than based on grid.

    So i was thinking and thinking..
    The player mechanics could do with some additions.

    1. All animals go to sleep in the night, it would be nice if we could make so players get tired and sleepy as night sets. Indicated by yawning, and if player doesn't go to sleep in the night, the character gets over exhausted and user begins losing control of the player from time to time, and some other debuffs like energy running down quicker and walking slower. If one doesn't sleep for 3 days in a row, they start losing health.
    Allow players to sleep and regain rest at any time of day, count down 16 hours before player gets tired from waking moment.

    2. When player walks up steep slopes, it feels a bit silly. It would be nice to disallow players going up higher than about 60 degree gradients, and make them slip down larger than 60 degree gradients.
    When they slip down, they cannot be controled and take reduced fall damage when hitting bottom.

    Add climbing tools like climbing boots/axes to climb steeper gradients but not vertical walls or overhangs.

    Hi. I would like to see higher resolution textures introduced for building materials, as the current ones are so poor when compared to anything around.

    I would like to volunteer some of my textures for this project, those come in 1024x and 2048x. I could even create some 4096x from my 41mp lumia camera.

    Here is my current texture project as reference: