Posts by Hawkard

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Ok, since the demo version dropped, I've thought of instead of releasing big patches of content, you could fragment it into pieces

    Something like: guns update, building update

    That would allow for a more stable, faster flow of content, while even being experimental and under test, it would allow the community to provide specific feedback on critical parts of the update

    Now I want that cannon because of… those really aggressive bears? :)

    I think we would make great use of the Cannon if something like a Bandit Camp were created, maybe even a cannon showdown? Would be hella cool

    But cannons would make a great addition to the PVP scenario, definitely welcome

    You mean other players in multiplayer? That's true, unfortunately we only had a limited set of animations so 3rd person weapon animations are a bit odd. This is also something that's already addressed in the new version.

    About the muzzle flash: In fact I wasn't even aware of this issue, I just saw it by accident a few months ago (but unfortunately we didn't release an update for the Java version in the meantime to fix that). I'm ashamed of this bug, but we'll see a major improvement in this regard in the new version ;)

    Thanks for your reply!

    It's so good to know that this bug is getting fixed, but it wasn't that bad tho, I managed to get good laughs of my friends warring with bandits as they were being chased by them "WHY ARE THEY TANKING EVERYTHING? AM I MISSING??" But yeah, somewhat annoying

    Also, any plans for something like a Bandit Camp or a new gun such as a Cannon? Would be really cool!

    Thanks again for your work!

    There's this weird interaction with guns where gunfire just won't hit the target at point blank

    It seems like the projectile is deployed in a way you won't hit your target if he's too close to you, I've almost lost my life countless time to melee bandits chasing me, I have to create a lot of distance for my gunfire to hit

    Not to mention the goofy way the character holds the gun, they keeps it straight no matter what direction they're facing, the muzzle fire being deployed from the back of the gun, instead of the muzzle itself

    Quote from red51

    Start a LAN game: This starts a LAN session on your machine. To do that, hit the red "open for lan" button in singleplayer menu. People who live in the same household can join to your local IP then. You can also play over the internet, but this requires port-forwarding. Usually it's recommendable to use the "play with friends" option instead, unless you want to play with users who don't have the Steam version of the game.

    I tried creating my own dedicated server. But I found a problem which I can't seem to solve.

    When I start the server, i make sure to check if everything's working. I generally use to check if my port is responding.

    I portforwarded port 7777 which is the port I generally use to host my game servers. My friend tried to connect but he had a authentication problem.

    I use the Standalone version of the game, and he uses the steam one, does that influence something?

    about the 'Start a LAN game'.

    Hm, this require forwarding. Which ports need to be forwarded for your LAN game to work? Do everyone has to have the Steam version of the game?

    You are sneaky and deceitful, I am up front and honest. Take it as you will.

    last post this time, I promise!

    Moderator(s), please lock the thread, or sticky it if you like

    There are, escaping from the truth as always.
    Oh there you are mentioning your life, like if cared about, you do not care about mine too, I used the F2 to get through your dungeon because I could, and you still insists that it was a cheat, such a troll Juggs. such a troll.

    You're the one showing your true colors, and to think I had to do it for you myself, such an impressive improvement Juggernaut.

    unban appeal denied! HAHA There are plenty of other quality servers out there for you Hawkard, get over yourself and have fun! You and I didn't work out, get over it.
    Seriously, I do not hate you! I just do not have time for you and your attention seeking DRAMA anymore. Creating this thread only proves my point, so thank you. I have RL on top of RW, RL takes priority, sorry!

    Attention seeking drama? That is something I'd write a poem about. Juggernaut, you are a fun guy, I recognize that from just reading what you said.

    I did not seek attention, not your attention. You're way too emotional.
    You give in to your emotions and judge people with anger.

    Your dungeon was easy as piece of cake, you just refuse to see that as you're so full of yourself as always. You think you are the best, the one above the law.

    Even your players think you are wrong Juggernaut. And you still don't see that. What a real cool server, the owner let us cheat! Very nice indeed!

    You are sneaky and deceitful, I am up front and honest.

    Sneaky and deceitful? You're the one that reads other ones private messages.
    Front and honest? Then why do you ban me? Isn't in your rules that only 3rd time off you'd ban? You broke your own rules Juggernaut.

    I managed to befriend everyone in the server, they are really cool people, but they don't know with who they are dealing with, I really hope you don't regret doing this as fast as I think you will.

    Let's keep this honest and healthy conversation, do not runaround me again :).

    You do not even have a "Do not cheat" rule, even Migdyn said it, is this the first time you're running a server?

    You did know that the area in question wasn't interfering with any claims, nor it interfered any KNOWN plan of yours. This is your fault of leaving people waiting. You promised something that you couldn't accomplish, and do not even start talking about your life as I don't care anymore, as you don't care about mine.

    You even banned me from the discord group, you left me no chance for a unban appeal.
    So let's talk about it here.

    As now, we are free from your ADMIN ABUSE, so I can talk freely here.

    I got tired of your stupids runaround, you are a busy man i know, but your rules has more holes than swiss cheese.

    You stick to your point teeth and nail, your understanding is low Juggernaut, you will recognize this sooner or later.

    I'm was not pressing you dodgy, I was asking you, and kept running me
    around over and over with your busy life. I spawned the BP not to force
    you to set the claim, but to leave the place ready so I can move right
    away when you set it.

    I was asking to set the fucking claim AGES ago, and you still ran me around like always.


    Look, I used to ran a lot of servers, FAMOUS ones, with 30+ players, on
    games like GTA:SA Multiplayer, and Minecraft, also other games such as
    Age of Mythology, you know about me, all you do is assume, suppose, you
    never take some time of yours to truly know the person you are dealing.

    You're so little minded like that? You're a server owner, you are
    dealing with multiples personalities, people from all across the world,
    and you're preoccupied about how they talk to you? You're not my father,
    you're not my boss, you're a human being, and I talk you as I wish. I
    treated you with respect, all you did was complain, whine, cry, give in
    to your rage.

    While I kept my composure, all you did was spam "OMFG", and things of the such.

    One thing that should know about me, that I'll never leave a topic /
    subject unfinished, you wronged me, treated me unfairly, made me run in
    circles with the runaround of yours.

    And you compare me with S3T? What the fuck is even wrong with you, the
    man offered you real money to buy server land, he thought someone was
    HACKING on a fucking ALPHA game, there is not any hacking tools for this
    game yet? Do you live under a rock?

    I never meant to paint you as the bad guy of the story, all I did was
    SHARE my side of events with the server's community, you're the one
    trying to brainwash me, trying to picture me as egocentric, egoist, full
    of myself, etc.

    You do realize how stupid your "Do not anger the admins" is, right? You
    do mix emotions with your work? With your server? You judged me with
    anger? Not with reason?

    I said you are a professional, not because you are paid, because you are
    an administrator. An administrator must deal with problems with skill
    and composure, not with rage. You ban people because they piss you off?
    Really man really?

    If you decide to leave this topic as it is, I'll keep on pushing and
    show the community how your true face looks like. I hope you reply with
    good arguments.

    Yes, that is F2 purpose.
    Juggernaut also disabled blueprints for EVERYONE on the server, because of this mess he made.

    Why don't he comment here and post his side of the story, eh Juggernaut?

    Oh sorry, i meant to say hostile animals, such as the spider and snakes.

    He can't ban me for that, and he already punished me and Danny for that, he jailed us, then we got out afterward.

    It was my "1st OFF" of the rule list, i never broke any rule again.

    Back at in the dungeon i just F2 to get out, i didn't cheat or anything. Why would a cheat be accessible to everyone on the server anyways.

    Nope, the first time i broke a rule is when i killed a player called Danny at the neutral area called Port Chesterfield, it is forbidden to PVP there.

    I did it to defend myself, as Danny killed Josh the same day and he ran after me too. I had to kill him to defend myself.

    Also he once created a dungeon, some kind of quest for players to complete, the dungeon was filled with traps and hostile monsters, I managed to survive it, and when i got to the treasure room, I claimed the treasure.

    Juggernaut was goading me, saying that i didn't complete the dungeon yet. I just looked at him and said: "good bye."

    I pressed F2 twice to get to the surface, it is a feature the server got, a temporary fix to bandaid the falling through the ground bug. He said i cheated to get out, while I didn't. Did I use a program to teleport me upwards? Did I trigger a bug that causes God to sent a beautiful angel to take me miraculously to the surface? Nope. I used a game feature, if it's in the game, it's useable right?

    He was so full of himself when he built the dungeon that he forgot that people can use F2 to get out.

    Hey guys, i'm Hawkard, and i want to discuss with you guys, i want your opinion about the recent events that happened with me.

    So there is this server called Wild Frontiers, it's owner is called Juggernaut.
    The server is really nice, there is the area protection plugin, and it's PVP, even better.

    It was the first server i joined and stood right after i bought Rising World.

    So there is this thing, the owner, Juggernaut banned me unfairly and i want you to decide if his judgement was fair or not.

    On the server we've got ranks, and you can rank up as you spend time playing on the server, i've reached the Knight rank, for playing for 5 days, and Knights got access to blueprints.

    So I've decided to build a castle at Singleplayer, so i could blueprint it and bring it to the server.

    But unfortunately not everything gone as planned.
    When your first join the server, you may ask for an admin to set up a claim for you, a territory, where you can build and only you (and people you give permission to) may make any alterations to your territory.

    The owner decided to give another free claim (200 x 200 by the way) to Knights, and i was ready to set mine.
    I chose a place, wasn't too far away from my current home, and not too far away from my friends, but Juggernaut, the owner said he had a road planned through here, and if i wanted to claim this place I'd have to wait for him to build it.

    Everything is alright until now.
    So knowing that, I'd decided to choose a new place for my claim, same thing, not too far away from my current home and friends, and I decided to build already so when the admin sets the claim, I would be able to move right away clean and safe.

    But the problem is that Juggernaut didn't like what I've done, he complained that the building was too big and I needed permission for that. That wasn't in the rules. (You can check the rules, its the "unknown.png" file.)

    No one had to ask for his perrmission to spawn blueprints ever, and even funnier is that it was never a rule.
    He then got super angry at me, with no reason at all. The building was really big, yes, but it wouldn't cause any problems to nobody.

    You can see in the unknown.png file a note telling you that you can build on most places, even if it isn't claimed, though it can be looted or destroyed.

    There is also a stupid rule saying that you can't anger admins, wtf is this rule?

    An admin is a profissional, someone who administer a server with people from different countries, you should never mix personal matters with your work, imagine a cop arresting you because you made him angry? Or a Judge decreting you guilty because you made him angry too? What is this?
    Imagine someone judging you without the voice of reason, but voice of anger instead?

    He even said that he wouldn't claim the place for me anymore, due of what i did.

    He came back with his word that i would get another claim for being a knight too.

    He even said that I overrode admin without permission

    He even banned me from his Discord Group.

    My final say about this is that he was extremely childish, problematic and rude towards me. He is a grown up man with children aswell, I didn't expect this kind of reaction coming from a mature man.

    Tell me your opinions about this.

    1. Being able to hear other players footsteps.

    2. Adding more information to player groups, their health bars, hunger and thirst status.

    3. Cow sounds are too loud.

    4. Chests can be opened through walls.

    5. Bug in multiplayer, happens especially when mining, when you desync with the world you'll fall through the ground.

    6. Fix hitbox issues, bullets going through players, and animals. Add lag compensation to fix lagging hitbox issues.

    7. Add more graphic oriented settings, to disable extra effects (Smoke when mining rock, excessive rain particles.)

    8. Adding item description, especially for the weapons, to differ damage, attack speed, reload speed, how much ammo is left, gun loaded or unloaded, etc.

    9. Managing inventory GUI better, being able to enable/disable the character preview GUI, add more inventory management features, split stacked items in half, click items with CRTL pressed will move it to the hotbar.

    10. Add more hotbar slots. (Something like 8 slots would be great.)

    11. Adding percentage informational numbers at health bar, hunger and thirst.

    12. Fixing HELP command in the console, show all commands, what every one of it does.

    13. Fix ore detector not detecting ores properly. (Sometimes i set it to detect tungsten, it does not detect properly, often detecting other ores such as copper.)

    14. Chainsaw and miningdrill damage to players is way too high, tuning it down a little bit would be enough since they are tools and not meant to be used for combat.

    15. Being able to set up graphical changes without restarting the game.

    16. Fix player animations, it are kinda clunky and add "mid animations" to create more fluid animations, rather than rough animations starting suddenly.

    17. Make treelogs and lumber stackable to 64 instead of 32, furniture and paraphernalias should be stackable to 16.

    18. Adding more explanations to the Journal.

    Totally agree with you friend. I totally agree with adding cannons to the game, i've also made a suggestion which revamps the group system, turning it into a faction/clan/empire system.

    Instead of being able to leave the group, we could instead work with sparring ; blunt weapons, such as wooden swords, rubber ammo, and unsharpened arrows which will knock down the player instead of killing him.

    We could also add Flintlock pistols which could be a downgraded version of the Handgun, same thing as the Rifle and Musket.
    Cannons is a must too, it really adds that medieval spice to the game.

    We could also add Horses and boats to improve the mobility in the game.

    But the problem is, this would separate the world in a multiverse which will hurt the Factions concept.
    If a faction has different worlds you can play on, it means that many factions will take place at different worlds, making the co-existence hard and annoying.
    Like, a merchant faction can easily take place at a safe trading-based world, which most of times will be peaceful (Animals will not harm you and no PVP)

    Hey, folks, i am Hawkard, and I shall bring you guys some ideas i thought today.

    Revamp Group System: The group system can be much more, I think we could work on a concept where you can create a clan and claim territory to set up bases and castles, this would improve a lot the PVP ingame and give that 'feudal' feeling.

    It could work like a 'plot' system where nobody but you and your clanmates could change the terrain by any form except by damaging it with siege weapons.

    Combat: There would be tickets for respawn, when the defending clan tickets ran out, a flag would appear at their base, if the attacking team manages to capture it, the defending team respawn time would increase a lot, by defeating all remaining alive defenders, they would be defeated, and the winning faction would get 40% of the loot present in chests and players. In case the defending faction manages to repel the charging enemies, their flag would appear randomly in the combat zone, by capturing it you can delay the enemy respawn timers, and if you kill the last remaining attackers you would be able to loot 40% of the loot present in the attacking players. The flag would create a 'Overtaken' debuff which would delay your respawn timer a lot, if the debuff depletes all your dead fellow warriors would spawn immediately and you would get 10 tickets back, every side starts with 20 tickets. You can't drop your items in death while your team still has tickets, when the tickets depletes, at death you would drop every item. By killing an enemy you would get +1 ticket, by dying you would lose -3 tickets. (if you die in the neutral zone or in the enemy zone)

    There is also the "combat zone" which the system will set, that would be divided in three parts, the enemy zone, the neutral zone and your zone. If die in your zone you would only lose -1 ticket at death. -3 at the neutral zone and at the enemy zone. If you leave the combat zone you will start a "Retreat" vote which your team can agree by leaving the zone too, or deny by staying in battle and fighting like a man. Your zone would have a supply chest, so you can re-equip yourself when desperation hits. The enemy can't destroy the chest or open it.

    To start a war you must first attack the enemy base, or the enemy members. By attacking you would deplete the enemy structural integrity, the enemy can also counterattack you, if you manage to damage the enemy structural integrity, the war would start in 15 seconds, in this time you must run to your zone, if you stay in the enemy zone, you will be greatly slowed and be a sitting duck for the enemy. You would also drop all your loot, this is meant to avoid camping.

    To attack the enemy base you should set up your siege and fire against it. Every shot depending on the weapon would deplete the enemy structural integrity, and if you manage to kill someone, this would greatly decrease the integrity.
    If you manage to deplete the enemy's structural integrity you will start a "Invasion"

    The enemy zone is always active, if you get too close, your position will be revealed and you will maybe draw the enemy action to you, this can be deadly to your team if not done properly.
    If the enemy fail to respond to your attack and you destroy their structural integrity, you can start a "Invasion" and attack them at their own base. The war would start, but there wouldn't be no neutral zone, and your respawn camp would be right next to the enemy, meaning you die, respawn, and jump right into the action again. Your team would get 40 tickets while the normal is 20 tickets. However if you die you would instead lose -5 tickets, if you overtake the enemy and kill all the defenders the faction will be at your mercy and you can do everything you want with it. The defenders will not respawn there and they would lose everything.

    As the defending team, avoid getting invaded at all costs, the Invasion is very hard to repel, but when you repel a Invasion you would instantly defeat the attacking team. You can set siege weapons at your base, and fire against the enemy to deplete the Enemy Siege Camp life bar, by doing that you can completely repel the attack and make them retreat. There will be 20 seconds for the initial combat. When that time runs out, if you managed to at least hurt the enemy a little bit, you will not be invaded and you will fight in the normal war event instead. For the attack team it is exactly the same, if you managed to keep your siege alive when the time ends, you will not be repelled, but you will not invade the enemy base.

    As the defending team, keep your members safe at all costs, if you die while defending you will greatly reduce your structural integrity.
    As the attacking team, try and find a strategic position so you can have a clear vision for your attack.

    There would be a mini ''diplomacy'' stuff that you could set other factions as your ally or your enemy. By declaring a faction your ally, you would be able to see their ''Distance'' meter by pressing TAB. If you set a faction as your enemy, or if you are set as somebody's enemy, every time a enemy steps in the boundaries of your territory a message would appear: "Your scouts have reported suspicious movement near the faction territory." it would vary with the number of enemies present in the boundaries, something like "Your scouts have reported an enemy war party near the faction territory."

    When creating a faction/clan, you could set it's banner, name, description and objective.

    What is a faction objective you ask? It is literally what the title proposes, the faction objectives, you could choose things like a merchant/trading faction, a resource gather faction, a war faction, and a mercenary faction.

    • Merchant Faction: Your faction would collect EXP through trading and selling stuff, EXP is also a faction feature, the more EXP you have, the more you can expand your territory and increase the number of max members supported in your faction.
    • Resource Gatherer Faction: Your faction would collect EXP through collecting, foraging, farming, basically looting and exploring the world, you could ally with a trading faction to sell your goods to them and making a lasting economic alliance, you could also ally with a war faction, supplying them with goods while being protected by enemies and making fortune through war.
    • War Faction: Your faction would collect EXP through PVP, fighting and killing other players, defeating other factions and making your fortune through war and pillaging. As said above, you could pretty much ally with a trading/resource gather faction to make the campaign even better in the long run.
    • Mercenary Faction: Your faction would collect EXP through hunting player killers and war factions, you literally do as the name sugests, you get to hunt someone and get your pay, you could be asked by peaceful factions to seek and destroy hostile factions in order to protect them.

    These are just examples of what it would be, also selecting a objective wouldn't restrict your gameplay a lot, most of the cases it would support it, this means you can choose a merchant objective but behave as a war party instead, because you would be trading so much to support war campaigns that you be a lot easier to get EXP for territory claiming. Bear in mind that your objectives can also shape the gameplay a little bit, for example, a war party by levelling up would get a big increase in territory but a low increase in members, while a merchant faction would get less territory but would be able to get way more members. a Resource Gatherer faction by the other hand would get a regular increase in both elements since you would need territory for agriculture and livestock, also a regular increase in members since resource gathering is kinda laborious to do with less members, a Mercenary Faction is a unique one, they would get less territory and less members (Less Territory than a RG Faction and less members than a War Faction), but they would get a boost in EXP for every objective completed, meaning that you would have a good advantage compared with other factions in the long run since the Mercenary Faction is the quickest to grow up in level.

    Also by choosing a faction objective, you could get a decifit, let's say your faction objective is trading, so this means that warring is kinda out of hand, meaning that dominating other factions territories isn't as lucrative for you in comparison to a war/mercenary faction. If you opt to clash and hack your way to success, it would mean that trading and resource gathering are meant for beta males, since you're an alpha male, you wouldn't engage in trading and market flipping neither placing a brick over the left click of your mouse to gather resources, I'M NOT SAYING that you're prohibited to trade or to gather resources, i'm saying that you wouldn't be able to level up as fast as you would do via combat with other factions.

    The neutral objective means that you opt to get no advantages, but get no disadvantages, so you could literally do everything but with literally no boosts or aptitudes, it is a kinda harsh way to rise, but is the most safe way to do it.

    So a big TL;DR.
    1 - Factions got levels and EXP, with EXP you claim territory and increase your max limit of members at your faction
    2 - You can dominate other factions through that battle minigame said above.
    3 - You've got factions objectives, things to focus on and fight for.
    4 - You can ally with other factions or be a bunch of lonewolves (Hello, North Korea.)

    Siege Weapons: I also thought in a way to raid bases and homes with things like Cannons, or catapults, adding some sieging machinery/weapons should really spice up the idea of clashing clans in game.

    I know, I know, this suggestion may sound a little too complex for a game like Rising World, but this would definitely be so much fun to do ingame.