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Posts by Cluas
A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
Thanks Red51,
I didn't mean to sound like i know it all.
I just care about this game a lot, that is all ...
Thanks for the quick answer as always. I am much relieved now -
Hi Red51 and community.
This post is of some urgency to me, since I know you want to move on to the animal update. That is fine, world need animals. But i sure hope the world generator will get some more love also. Because we need more options when generating a new world.
My suggestion: Like in the java version, where we have options for the amount of animals and bandits that spawn, we ALSO need an option for amount of elevation, size of start island (and probably even more).
The thing i have noticed, is that ANY world i create, there is not enough flat space. Let me see if i can explain:
* The meadows are much too elevated, it feels like a mountain with grass.
* The sea level is too "deep" i still haven't found a "flat" beach.
* Spending hours just to find a good spot feels strange, i DO like to explore though, and searching for a place can be fun. Unless you spend hours and hours not finding any spot at all ...Just my honest opinion here, i am sure not all will want to have flatter worlds, but if the options are there, we will ALL be satisfied and happy. Thanks for reading, keep up the excellent work Red
I have set up my mouse to make me sprint forward while holding mouse 4- I have set up sprint and forward to overlap, its excellent. I can run forward using only my mouse. Hope this will still be possible in the future?
These hotfixes always amaze me, excellent Red51
Hi Red, looks good, i agree, stone, logs and so on should not go to the hotbar. Or at least let us craft using stuff in the hotbar?
Very good update -
Rising Worldheim
Isn't that what we all want? -
Very good update, as always
Was worth the wait -
Thanks guys, very interesting.
I have noted, that while technology makes it easier and easier, to make awesome creations. But what we have lost are : The truly creative people, who back in the days made games (and music) so great. They had PASSION for their stuff. They could make awesome stuff with the limited hardware they had.
Today creative people are having a much harder time. They have so many tools at their hands, creating stuff might be easier, but ... First of all, they have so much more to choose from, and choosing isn't always that easy. They also have to do it on a much stricter time limit, or get themselves fired. It has become too much about efficiency and money, than the real art...
I have a very few games in my library. Rising World is my top one, that i consider a piece of ART.
So i certainly agree: Respect to Red51 for the piece of art that is called RISING WORLD. -
Looking forward, keep up the good work
It is pretty common in Europe to say Xmas
Awesome progress once again, Red51
Excellent progress
Awesome work Red, as usual
Very good improvements. Hope to see that demo soon ...
Good one ...
Looks awesome. I will try to be patient ...
Would be cool, if we could mark all posts as read ... But maybe it's just me ...EDIT: yes never mind, i found the button ... -
A few weeks sounds good