Posts by Florian

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    unfortunately it doesn't work! if i change the version number manually the world starts, but than a error message occurs. Database corrupted...

    I have send the world files to your support mail.

    Please help us :'(


    is it possible to deactivate the possibility to change the gametype to creative on a multiplayer server!? At the moment many players on our mutliplayer server use this option for faster farming! In my opinion it nothing else than cheating...

    It's a survival server not a creative server!

    The next important step is the option to disabling the flying mode! What sense it makes that we protect areas and the players can fly into the houses...

    Thanks for your help.

    After a restart of the server the areas still there but i always must add the Players again to the admin group of the defined area. Otherwise they can not build in their own area...?

    Is that normal?

    Oh sry, hab gar net drauf geachtet das hier alles in Englisch steht^^

    Hab's jetzt soweit hinbekommen... Es werden aber bloß gesetzte Blöcke geschützt, oder? Das Terrain an sich kann man mit dem Skript nicht schützen?



    ich hab das Skript auf meinem Server eingefügt...

    Wenn ich aber z.b. den Befehl /createarea eingebe, kommt immer die Fehlermeldung command not found?

    Gibt's ne Art Anleitung, oder woran könnte das liegen?
