Posts by DragonBrigade

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Is there a way to reset the world? I found out that dying replaces all the items lying around the level but doesn't restore the terrain and structures. For example I've mined some of the mountain and destroyed some objects like the birdhouse/clocks, and I want to reset so I can have those back to how they were. :)

    This is really awesome. I love everything about it. Definitely worth the wait!

    I do have to ask though, is the paint roller intended to be working at the moment? I could use it, but nothing became painted. Also, is item placement in yet? I tried to put some bottles down in a specific place but they just kept shattering :verysad:.

    Really excited to see future updates! It's looking amazing!

    Just for the tech demo. But yes, I'm also excited

    As Avanar said, vegetation is (more or less) the only major thing that's missing for the demo ;) Although we also want to get at least some objects ready for the demo (e.g. furniture, doors etc, something the player can interact with). And of course there are a few other things that require our attention (polishing, Linux and Mac version etc) :saint:

    When it comes to the actual game, there is a lot more missing unfortunately. We're still spending a lot of time working on core features :thinking: The Trello board gives a rough idea of our planned features (the 2nd "Roadmap" column) and what we're currently working on.

    Ye, I understand this is just the demo only. :) I'm just really excited to get my hands on it to see what it all looks like. I'm not expecting feature complete or anything ^^;

    I noticed that terraforming is in the first roadmap column and not the second. Does this mean the demo won't have terraforming yet? It's all good, I'm just wondering.

    It's unfortunately still not ready || What's missing is vegetation. We've recently implemented grass (we're still optimizing it a bit and we're also working on a realistic wind system [which will apply to grass and vegetation]), but the world is still too bland without trees... but we're still trying to get the demo ready ASAP

    Hol up... So the only thing that needs to be done now (besides minor tweaks) is vegetation? This should mean we are somewhat close, right? :D
    I'm super excited. The screenshots on Trello look amazing!

    Just a heads up to those of you like me who are desperate for every tiny bit of news you can get your hands on, you can subscribe to the Trello board to give you pings whenever something is added/changed. :D (Idk if you need an account for this.)

    Red just posted some juicy pics of the new Creative mode.

    Quick question, are the placeable objects affected by physics? In this pic you shared it looks as if the picks are sitting in a pile, and there's some hanging from the ceiling.... At first I was under the impression that they would just stick where you place them. Would we have to place construction pieces on the walls to form "hooks" to hang our tools from? That would be really cool.


    Quote from red51

    We're thinking about pipes (to be able to transport fluids in general), however, first we want to get electricity ready

    Pipes for fluids? Could this possibly mean we'll eventually have to water crops? We could have a watering can item at first and then possibly use pipes for automatic irrigation in the late-game to make our lives easier. Personally I would love more detailed farming as well as cooking. Those are my favorite things to do in Survival games besides building. :) I'd love to water and fertilize crops and then process the crop into food, something like an interactive pot to make stew would be so cool, like where we have to throw in the ingredients ourselves. I love the interactive crafting in this game- already off to a good start with the way we place meat on grills, as well as the planned wheat and flour in the grinding mill. (Speaking of which- I wonder if the rolling pin will be used to roll out dough?).

    Are there any plans for farming and cooking changes in the new version? :O

    Will you guys try to advertise the game more after the new version is out? Most of my friends have never heard of it, so I tell them and show them the new pics. This game deserves attention, and I want to see more people playing!

    Also I think it could use fresh logos and trailers after the new version is available/somewhat complete to reflect that shiny new high quality.

    It looks AMAZING!!! I'm so excited!

    I have some questions about your survey, if you can answer them. I had a hard time answering a few of them because I'm not sure what exactly these things mean for Rising World- I wrote about it a little in my submission, but will ask here.

    Fantasy Vs Realism... Is this referring to the aesthetics in the game, like having a car (realism) vs having a dragon (fantasy)?, or is it more mechanical realism, like hyper-realistic crafting? Thematically I prefer Fantasy, but it can also be low-fantasy (closer to realism). I always picture Rising World as a medieval, low-fantasy type game- basically, on the opposite of the spectrum from something wacky and high-fantasy like World of Warcraft. Mechanical realism is usually never a good idea if it makes things way too close to real life and things become annoyingly complex and tedious. Of course I could never say no to fantasy creatures like dragons and griffons, though... (Or maybe original creatures, even?)

    Magic... I also had trouble answering this question. While I don't know how I feel about having combat magic, I think you could add something that is technically "magic" like alchemy, enchanting, transmutation etc. Of course there are always creative ways to make combat magic, but I think just having magic crafting would fit in better- You could even have an alchemy station that fits in with the "hands-on" crafting that already exists in the game- For example, grinding herbs in a mortar and pestle. Take a look at the alchemy in Kingdom Come: Deliverance- the work station is very immersive, and that's something I can totally see working in Rising World. Having to discover new recipes, and then recording them in a book at the station like in KC:D would be awesome. This would also give more purpose to farming, and room for even more cool crops! I think adding something like Skyrim magic, like shooting fireballs and ice spikes from your hands, might seem jarring- but I secretly hope I'm wrong, because it would be kinda cool.

    Also I second what Fizbit said about PvP. I don't mind fighting other players, but I hate having my hard work destroyed just because someone felt like being an asshole. :'( I know everyone's preferences are different though, so it would be ok with me if base destruction and PvP exists, as long as we can opt out of it.

    I'm really happy to see that the game rewrite is going well! I appreciate the dedication you have to your game and that you won't abandon it, it really does have so much potential. Can't wait to see more screenshots, they looked beautiful!

    Will you make an announcement when the first beta build goes live? I'd love to test it ASAP!

    Also, have you considered making a Discord? Having a locked announcements/screenshots text channel would be a great way to get news quick with an @everyone notification, and a lot easier to discuss the game there than on a forum. :)

    Will we have white and black horses? They are very gorgeous as are most horse's but there's something about a purebred stallion that intrigues me. I been to a farm once and these creatures are very loyal, protect us in combat and will pick us up when down and bring us home for healing. Out of curiosity will they have a combat AI and one day will we have dogs & cats for pets? :saint:<3

    I hope that we get a horse breeding system that will allow us to mix the colors found in the wild. Remember the Mo'Creatures horses in Minecraft? There was an entire breeding chart for color combinations! Of course this is down the line if we get animal taming and breeding so that we can farm them...

    Speaking of which, how will horse taming work?

    That's really exciting! Good to hear. Also I was trying to figure out how many you are in the team so I could have some understanding, and found out from somebody that you basically do most of the work on the game. I'm not sure how true that is, but if it is that's really impressive. Don't let me overwhelm you with my suggestions, ok? :thumbsup:

    Hello again! I check this post a lot and I can't get over how the horse's face looks. I made a little edit that will hopefully explain what I think is wrong with the model. I hope my notes are easy to understand and that this proves useful.

    The orange circles represent the scale of the head vs the nose on both the real image and the in-game horse- you can see the difference very clearly.
    The red are the things that I think look very off, and of course green is stuff that's already good.

    So! I've picked up this game after a few years of having not played it to find that I'm very excited again for this game to make progress, seeing the recent updates. I had some ideas for the automation of certain crafting processes through a hopefully intuitive system that involves hiring NPC workers.

    The crafting in this game is very organic and fun to use, but can become tedious when you require large quantities of a certain resource. I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing, as crafting these items in reality IS probably very tedious, but I had an idea: What if, in the future when there are NPC villages (I believe this is planned?), you can hire some of these villagers to come work and complete mundane tasks for you in exchange for food and accommodation (or currency). This can "semi" automate crafting like spinning thread, smelting ores, and the other crafting stations. The NPC could be given a work schedule, so you could have him work part of the day at the spinning wheel, and the other part at the tanning rack, and so forth. For the NPC to access items to craft provided by the player, a chest can be placed nearby and marked, so that the player can place materials in it that the worker can use. If the materials run out, the NPC can go onto his next work station, and if he is done completely, he will return to his living space until more materials are provided.

    This could not only alleviate some of the more mundane tasks semi late-game, but provide incentive to build up your very own village so that you can have more workers, or perhaps even farmers or miners.

    I understand this would require a lot of work in AI and the actual addition of NPCs and villages in the first place, but I had this concept in my mind. I am a game design student and love to share my ideas. I hope this is a valuable suggestion!

    Wow! I'm already excited that there's horses, but the fact that there are more unspecified mount creatures coming too makes me so psyched! I can only wonder what they will be!

    One thing though, that horse's head seems to be a bit off. The nose is a bit large for its face and the bridge of its face seems a bit too scoop-like. (Though Arabian horses have scoop noses... This doesn't look intentional). His face is kind of shaped like a banana.

    Will the horses come in different colors and patterns? Can we color the reins? How about hitching them to the grinding station, maybe a plow that the horses can pull to till large amounts of farmland at once, or even flatten land like the rake? It could be a way to save time when working with large amounts of land. There are a couple of ideas I had for semi-automating certain processes in the game like this, but I'll save that for a different thread. :)

    PS. I love this game. I bought it in 2016 and then took a hiatus for a while, revisited it a few days ago and I'm blown away by the changes made recently. I made an account just to write this comment. Keep up the fantastic work! :thumbsup: