Posts by Zendoric

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Bonjour Helie and hello all people,

    Après avoir fait quelques tests, la fonctionnalité de rebinder la touche pour activer la "console" sous linux ne semble pas être opérationnel car quelque soit le changement apporté rien ne se passe.
    En revanche, seule la combinaison alt gr et le petit 2(sous la touche échappe) semble afficher la console.

    ah, I see what's wrong.

    Being beginner on the development of plugin on RW until then in single player and my java being quite rusty, I was not yet pass to the stage on the role of access of the files on the server.
    But something had escaped me when I realized it because it seemed to me that each player config file was not stored on the server but on each client machine. By the fact of It was so convenient for me not to intrude on the file system of the server.

    However, I understand the reasoning on that.

    Thank you for declaring the warning on this piece of code because I was going to use it to make a future plugin.


    I found a alternative with a example with propertie by this :
    (sorry for my litte english)

    Properties props = new Properties();
    File config = new File(getPath() + "/../../");
    props.load(new FileInputStream(config.getCanonicalPath()));
    String valueofkey = props.getProperty("input_interaction");
    System.out.println("input_interaction=" + valueofkey );