Posts by Lothoratal

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Thanks for all your help. Unfortunately I could not fix the problem. I checked windows update, tried to reregister Kernelbase.dll (I got some error on this), I created a new user...
    But the workaround is fine. I started the server, join it and found some nice place to start creating a settlement. Fruits, coal, copper all around. I think I will start enjoying the game by using the dedicated server instead of further searching for the bug in my system.

    Thanks a lot for helping and for developing such a great game!

    Thank you again for your reply. I installed the dedicated server and it could be started without any crash.

    Hmm, would could be wrong with hte game directory? I am still puzzled about the fact, that connecting to multiplayerserver works fine, only starting or creating a single world leads to a crash...

    Any more hints or ideas are very much appreciated!

    OK, I did as you said: the jdbc beta branch is still active and the entry in my steam library is still called "Rising World [jdbc]". I also checked game files integrity, everthing was fine. Unfortunately the crash still persists and still I cant find any errorlogs. But I created a report file following your instructions. And here it is...

    Thank you for your response and for helping. I activated the beta version and run the game again. While creating a new world I unfortunately end up with the some result: after some percentages I see a crash. :-(
    I tried to delete all the world, but I do not see them on the ingame list. If I just delete them from the world folder they are back after restarting the game. Even if I deinstall the game completely (including all local data), the worlds are back after installing and restarting the game (but without being listed in the ingame list). I assume they are recreated from some steam cloud data... But in the end this does not bother me that much.

    After reinstalling the script folder is empty. Do you still find any Lua script entries in the new log file, I could not find them...

    Thank you very much for your time and patience.


    that is, what windows says on the crash (in the event protocol). Not very helpful I fear, but maybe it contains something of importance!? Unfortuntely in german...

    Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: risingworldx64.exe, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x5a768926
    Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: KERNELBASE.dll, Version: 6.3.9600.18938, Zeitstempel: 0x5a7ddf0a
    Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000005
    Fehleroffset: 0x0000000000008eac
    ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x22ec
    Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d40576ca748776
    Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\risingworldx64.exe
    Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll
    Berichtskennung: 19a69a12-716a-11e8-8705-80fa5b130cd9
    Vollständiger Name des fehlerhaften Pakets:
    Anwendungs-ID, die relativ zum fehlerhaften Paket ist:

    Thank you for your next hint. I renamed the scripts folder and started a world. Unfortunately I again experienced a crash after 5% loading. I must say that I do not know what those Lua scripts do there. I did not put them there intentionally. I believed they are from the install process of Rising world!?
    I again post the most recent log file.


    Hello there,
    thank you for your reply. Unfortunately even with 398.11 I experience the same result. The game crashes while loading or creating a world after reaching about 10%. I attached the last logfile.

    Any more ideas please!?


    thanks for your reply and sorry for not being on a couple of days. I just tried your suggestions.

    under settings I can see, that my Nvidia is used, so integrated intel should not be troubling.

    Joining a public multiplayer server worked without problems, no crash!

    I also set game_debug_console to true and started the game. While loading a world i get a crash with for me no useful hint in the log-File. But maybe for you there are ome hints hidden?

    Thanx in advance for helping!


    • 1528635929.log

      (22.58 kB, downloaded 287 times, last: )

    Thank you for your reply. In the game directory I find some files, but unfortunately no errorlog or hs_err_pid. I therefore cant post anything else here and hope, you can still help me. The driver of my nvidia card is up to date, as well as the driver of my intel grafic chip 4600. Although I think, since I assigned my graphic card to risingworldx64.exe and java.exe the latter should not be necessary.
    Do you have any other ideas?

    Thank you in advance for your support!