taking a bit longer with new stuff my brother fell ill so got litle time to really play the game at this time
Posts by v48e12
now working on a expanded version of the gasstasion wit car wash
Great stuff these will always come in handy, how about some tunnels to go with these as well !!!!
well im working on a tunnel
want to make it in 2 parts the down and up and the straight part so you can make it as long as you like
but looking for more to make in the mean time
ps i also made a bridge thats in a difrent post -
adding more here
im making roads in all types of ways also roads with stuff that are needed with roads like crossings t-splitting gasstasion
the big red suspension bridge
you can place as many parts as you like to it and uploaded a part of road to make a conection if needed -
if its going to be unity engine i probly will leave the game completly
i hate all games made in unity
unity is faulty
as game tester iv ran in to a lot of probems working with games running in unity
mainly unexplaneble errors crashes that arnt explanable
and if you do it so you can switch to other game stasions forget it if your planning a year for it
against that time the next gen of pc's and game consols will be comming
and to keep this game uptodate with those and still running on all pc's of ppl that already bought it
will mean you loss a lot of players either side or the game will never run as good as this on the pc's of older buyers
or it will still look old for the players who have the newer machines
so my feeling says you should push on with what your doing now and not suddenly trie to change the game to keep up with consoles
also sales rates on games like this on consoles are kind of disapointing players want to do games like this on there pc
cause it feels better to game like that then with a controller especially with games as expanded like this
console players like it simple not 10 workbenches not 100 pages of items
and thats part the charm of the game the loads and loads of items you can use to build with
same as lot of players are atracted to thes game cause it dous not have real build fysics and they can really build waht they want
example 7days t die every building you make you need to know all block integrity and weight they can carry and this and that
and even if you trie to calculate all the things even then structures colapse on them self so you can never build real cool big showy things
thats 1 of the reasons i left that game intergrity of blocks was to stupid hard to use and could never let my self really go in building
thats also 1 of the big things i love about this game i can go crazy stupid with my buildings like the zeppelin in the sky i made
you could never make stuff like that in a game with build fysics like in 7days to die or other examples the ships in games or ships you can find on the bleuprint forum would never work in 7days to die i tried enuogh there and this game i still feel like thers a lot more i can make
and only limitasion is my imagination im afraid to lose that in the new version -
i do it for the fun if you like this look up the city gate of my town i made think you can do cool things with that 2
good looking simpel block hut and out house
Thats the pictures from the creativ server because I cannot fly on our normal server. Only the last two pictures are from the normal game server. You can see its more nice at the beach. Now only wait that an Admin fill the water inside.
that is really cool what you did with it im loving it
Thanks for the good job. I has do the half Building in my Hotel Area at the beach. Ok, I has change something ( Glasses from Window because was double, on right side I put an balcony for relax and look over the sea. And I put Fans on the roof and change the windows on roof. And the End of Building i changed. )
please place some photos to show always love to se what others have done with my bp's
the rest of the blueprints
siege set
siege tower
bow katapult
storm ram
mobile siege walls
weapon sets -
now im using this as a bace for a fantasy made fortress