Posts by Trint

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Ok, help please

    I know this thread is cold, but I have been trying out the plugin. So to those who might be using it.

    Do you have to set all the prices for goods? As the plugin when I have run it returns the message, NO PRICE FOR '......' when '.....' is any item? I see a csv file in the zip that accompanies the jar file but when the zip is opened this ends up in a subfolder of a subfolder. Now my programming skills are as about accomplished as my acrobatic skills on a trapeze, which means if I try to do acrobatics on a trapeze I would end up as a puddle of goo and bones on the floor. So I'm guessing the csv file is not being read or I have to place it somewhere else?

    I just recently installed this plugin, but so far I have found that only some of the items have prices by default. I had the same question you did, so I downloaded the source code and found that the .csv file inside the jar file is only used to populate a database the first time you start with the plugin, or I guess if you do an import. Also, if that .csv file is not in the jar file, it will also look for a .csv file with the same name inside the plugin directory. Once the database is initialized, you can use a SQLITE database tool to modify the pricelist table, or I suppose you could delete that database file, modify the .csv file and then restart and it should import all the prices. This would lose account balances for all players though.

    I ended up modifying the code a bit to allow any player to transfer money to another player and have it deduct from their account and credit the recipient.

    Hope that helps.
