Posts by Liralen

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Thank you for your response. I've given gifts before via Steam, but wanted to give the standalone version as a gift but when it wanted my RW account info, I was afraid the key would be linked to my account, which didn't seem a good idea, so I'm glad I asked. :)

    The voucher is a great idea! Hopefully, I'm not the only one who wants to support the game in this way (add to the revenue stream, as well as possibly find another acolyte and someone else to play with). We might still go the Steam route though. Thanks again and for all your hard work. It's very much appreciated.

    Can I purchase the standalone version and send the serial number to someone else as a gift? I know how to do that with the Steam version, but I bought the standalone version because I'm not a fan of Steam, and thought that the developer would receive more of the payment that way.

    I still don't understand why this is a problem. To me, it's a feature that I can play however, with whomever, and where ever I want. And using the term "server" when the context seems to suggest "single player mode" is confusing, since they are vastly different in my mind. If I wanted to play alone, why would I create a server? I'm running a server only because there are other people playing with me.

    @Fizbit - I ended up here because I'm another Landmark orphan. In my book, it failed because they literally boxed us in. Although I don't think that's what they intended when Landmark was built, but rather we were testing what the engine could do for Everquest Next. Voxels really can't compete with the likes of Horizon Zero Dawn which Sony later published, and which is what MMO's in the future need to compete with in order to draw us out of single player games. I love that game, but here I am looking for a game where I can build rather than kill.

    @angriff -Voxels are for those of us who want more resolution than Minecraft, which Rising World does an excellent job of fulfilling, and should provide all the freedom that Minecraft allows, because that's the market that Rising World competes with. Without the restrictions that doomed Landmark, although I don't think it's what SOE intended out of it. Landmark was an app, not a game.

    So I don't get at all why you want to force us into playing with you, when we are quite happy as we are.

    If people are playing in single player mode, how would you know?

    I'm running a server because there are 3 of us are playing RW, although there are zero on at the moment (since I just logged off), and reports of only one are not the same person playing. Although it's not even visible to the public, since we're connecting via internal IP.

    Another PC in my house is running three Ark servers, although there's only one person playing on them routinely, who is not in our household, although at one time there were 8 of us playing. We will shut those servers down once that player stops logging in.

    I've advised the others of the RW server, and I'll open it up to external IP if any of our gaming friends outside of my house expresses an interest, but none has so far.

    This is not unusual in these types of games, so I don't understand your point? If it was just me playing, why would I run a server?

    I'm with those who don't see a distinction between alpha, beta, complete, etc.

    I hope that RW never leaves development, and so is continuously improved, as Minecraft is. I've been playing Minecraft so long that the distinction between alpha and "feature complete" has no meaning (about 8 years or so, but definitely before it was "released").

    I do hope that RW never has zombies, and that is not used as a landmark for completeness.

    I am so sick and tired of killing zombies, which I've been doing for 20 years now (at least since the first Diablo). Such a tired theme, derived from the fact that nothing threatens us as much as other human beings as a combat threat, and mindless, undead ones even worse.

    There is of course the obligatory threat of asteroids destroying the planet, which then becomes an engineering threat. I'm an engineer, so should be happy with that scenario as an opportunity for heroism.

    Except I'm not.

    I'd rather build stuff. For no reason other than it's fun.

    If I have to dodge zombies in RW for it to be considered complete, so be it.

    That worked, thanks much! I replicated the same circumstances where it used to crash (flying around in creative solo mode over long distances) for much longer than when the crash would occur with 1 GB allocated.

    Sorry for the delay in responding but I've been happily playing on the survival server where this problem has not occurred, probably because I can't get around as fast.

    You've made a great game, one that I've been searching for, and I really love it. Thanks again!

    And again.

    After days with no issues. However, I was doing something different than I had been. I had been building, staying close to one location, on a dedicated server, also running on my PC. The crashes occurred while out exploring in creative mode and flying (single player mode), i.e., loading a lot of chunks relatively quickly and not stopping, so probably a memory issue?

    I notice that RW runs with only 1 GB memory allocated. I assume we can allocate more by the same methods Minecraft did before they implemented the function in its launcher?

    Windows 7 (x64) 6.1Java: 1.8.0_181 amd64
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz, Z97 Extreme6, 16331 MB (1037 MB Heap)
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 20180103000000.000000-000
    Uncaught exception thrown in Thread[jME3 Main,6,main]
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: This NativeObject is not registered in this NativeObjectManager
    at com.jme3.util.NativeObjectManager.deleteNativeObject(
    at com.jme3.util.NativeObjectManager.deleteUnused(
    at com.jme3.renderer.opengl.GLRenderer.postFrame(
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(
    at Source)

    A fatal error occurred.You find the error details below.
    You an either post this error in our forums, or send it via mail to support

    Windows 7 (x64) 6.1Java: 1.8.0_181 amd64
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz, Z97 Extreme6, 16331 MB (1037 MB Heap)
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 20180103000000.000000-000

    Uncaught exception thrown in Thread[jME3 Main,6,main]
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: This NativeObject is not registered in this NativeObjectManager
    at com.jme3.util.NativeObjectManager.deleteNativeObject(
    at com.jme3.util.NativeObjectManager.deleteUnused(
    at com.jme3.renderer.opengl.GLRenderer.postFrame(
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(
    at Source)

    Yes, within 2 or 3 days (three of us playing, who didn't all start at the same time, hence the waffling time, and not counting the time to set up a dedicated server), we were able to make everything.

    I'm very happy with the building though (Landmark Orphan, Minecraft before that), but it should take players longer to be able to make everything that interests us.

    Then again, maybe there's more we haven't found (Tier 2 Crafting Table stuff).

    I haven't played Life is Feudal, but it's similar to Ark Survival Evolved, which according to Steam, I've played for 2100 hours. I've played Minecraft a lot more (since beta). I've only played Rising World for 4 days. Instead of LIF, my comments relate to Ark.

    In a nutshell: Rising World is more like Minecraft than Ark, but I'm pretty sure the reasons are similar for LIF. You said you don't have much time for gaming. Ark takes a lot of time. While you can play Ark in single player mode, you won't be able to access much of its content unless playing with other people or use cheats (which is perfectly ok and readily available in the base game, similar to Rising World/Minecraft creative mode, plus lots of mods are available to make Ark more pleasant). LIF is similar in its dependency upon multiplayer.

    If you play on a server that you don't control and can't log in for awhile, bad things happen. In Ark, your power is hugely vested in the dinosaurs you've tamed, and they will die if not routinely fed. LIF sounds the same:…ns/0/1470841715960016305/. We run 3 Ark servers, but still have to log in to tend our critters every few days, at 6 different locations spread over 3 servers (they are linked and so we can teleport between them, at specific locations), which are necessary for strategic reasons. Sure, we can shut the servers down and things would be fine, but not nice to other players.

    No such worries in RW so far, in fact, quite the opposite. We're running a dedicated server, which was a huge pain in the butt due to it requiring Steam CMD (, but after reading the huge wall of text I decided I'd forego RW until another day until I got to the part about SteamCMD GUI, and it was cake after years of running a Minecraft server (if the RW devs can do something to prevent requiring Steam, it would be a huge plus. Although I have a Steam account, I bought RW here,despite it cost more - I hate Steam that much. Then to be forced back to Steam to run a dedicated server was seriously annoying, and made a lot more complicated than it needs to be, because Steam. But the tutorial here for how to do it was excellent.

    The server is running while I type, growing things and stuff, unlike Minecraft if the chunk isn't loaded (we're still near the spawn point, so that might change once we move out) and doesn't require me to log in to make sure everything is all right.

    Playing in single player mode must be even easier, which I'm sure is not true of Ark, and suspect LIF is worse.

    I must say though, that the only reason I bought RW is it's the closest thing to EQ Landmark I could find, and am very happy with it (because all I want to do right now is build), i.e., I'd describe it as a Minecraft plus Landmark, and pretty much nothing like Ark, except they're both about survival.