Posts by Darastrix

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Stone oven - requires 128 stone to craft, using a large wooden spatula bake things inside, Can hold one item.
    Modern oven - crafted in the tier II workbench using a variety of tungsten wire, copper wire and iron plate, Bake things inside, holds three items.
    Mortar and Pestle - Crafted separately, used to grind small amounts of items to a powder.

    Chili powder - ground using the mortar and pestle.
    Onion - found in the wild, can be turned to powder using the mortar and pestle.
    Garlic - found in the wild, can be turned to powder using the mortar and pestle.
    Cocoa beans - found in the wild, can be turned to powder using the mortar and pestle.
    Coconut - found on palm trees, can drink the water, or use it as an ingredient.
    Flour - made by using a grinding apparatus.
    Milk - get from goats or cows
    Cheese - make a tank to dump milk into and let it sit for a few in game days to become cheese.
    Fruit - from fruit trees (Need more fruit trees)

    Bread - Grind wheat to flour, mix with water and knead with rolling pin to make dough, and bake in the oven for an allotted amount of time. Could use other grains such as rye to make rye bread, or coconut water instead of normal water to make coconut bread.
    Pies - Make dough, add 3 of any fruit, except cherries and strawberries use 5 and pumpkin uses 1, bake.

    Does anyone have anymore ideas.

    A mortar and pestle: Have each item crafted separately. Use it to crush small amounts of things like stone to gravel. Also expand what we can crush with the mill like make gunpowder by crushing coal, chilli powder by crushing chillies. The mortar and pestle would be used like the tanning rack and the hunting knife.

    A sled or wagon we can drag behind the horse or pull ourselves: This has no place in the game as there is a large inventory, but it could prove useful if you are clearing a massive part of a forest.

    Food Spoilage: as it is right now it is too easy to get food. Even with farming there is a certain point when you have enough food that farming is pointless.

    Diseases: for more realism. Eating rotten food, not taking care of your wounds properly, and even getting attacked by an infected animal could cause a disease. Use the mortar and pestle with a few plants could make a medicine to counteract it.

    The world is not dangerous enough: Add sharks in the salt water, wolves where there are sheep, add snakes, spiders, scorpions, octopuses, squid, Lions.

    Other peaceful animals: Fish

    Animal Husbandry: Catching animals with a net, carrying them to a pen, feed them and give them water, build a trough for both water and food. Breed them with animals of the opposite sex, raise the children, eventually slaughter them for meat and hide, or trade them to other players or NPCs. also milk the cows and goats.

    I'll make another thread for cooking ideas and recipes.

    I assume many of these ideas are already in the plans somewhere.