Posts by CBolli9439

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Couple things, just registered on the forums, but my son and I have been playing this game for almost 2 years now. Great game and great update! We've been looking forward to fishing!

    1. How/where do you craft the new "Bomb"?

    2. Since installing the update, all the trees and plants are frosted over, even though I'm nowhere near any frozen biomes. Things are frozen in beach/desert biomes even!

    3. Possibly related to #2, I can't harvest any food (i.e plants from the ground, fruit from trees, planted crops, etc).

    2 and 3 are true in both my singleplayer worlds and LAN multiplayer with my son. His is working fine and he can harvest things, but I can't, standing right next to him. And things are frosted on my screen and not his?

    Any insight/help is appreciated and thanks!
