Posts by MrRadioVoice

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
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    I'll go ahead and show the house build in progress. It's no where near finished but it keeps dipping my frames down from 200 to 30 something here and there and I've had to set all my settings down to low just so I can build without going crazy.

    I'll shoot the report privately over to you red. It's using the minimum settings instead of the normal settings. I up'd my settings to take these pictures AFTER I took the report, rocking a solid 17 fps but that's because I couldn't remember what my optimum settings were. lol I have them written down somewhere. If you want me to resend you the report after I normalize my settings, I can do that.

    Alright, cheers.

    I'm trying to figure out what's causing lag. Until the introduction of boats, I was doing pretty good. In fact, I was able to rock between 70 and 200 frames per second. However, due to a string of events (changing servers, finding artifacts in my blueprint that was causing blueprints not to place, and some other crap), now I find that my main build, which has taken me months, is causing me major lag, even if I reduce everything down to the bare minimum and minimum chunks. My frame rate drops down from 200 to 30-60 in some areas and I can't figure out what's causing it. It all started when i started building a boat house and we were storing 3 boats in the house. We butchered the boats then worked on the project some more. However, the lag didn't go away. I deleted the project and replaced the blueprint and it kinda helped but the lag eventually came back. If I place the blueprint in a different place, then there's no lag (from the brief time I tested it). Any ideas?

    Not sure if this has been mentioned or not but as I was boating around on a server, somebody was on a fellow lake near by and we realized there was no way to boat to the next lake because there are (currently) no streams or rivers or the like connecting bodies of water together. I love the boats and they are a fantastic way to get around! Currently admins of servers and those skilled in terraforming (and who have days to waste away) can create create their own custom lakes and rivers but how realistic will they look? How adventurous will they be?

    Anyway, my two cents. 8o

    That's strange 8| If all players experience this issue, this sounds like a serverside problem, or a connection issue... as @Juggernaut suspected, things like that typically happen if the server hasn't been restarted for quite some time (at least a daily restart is required), but if you say there is already a restart every 6-12 hours, there seems to be something else going on.
    There is an issue with the "undoblueprint" command though, which leaves behind a few building parts (especially if the blueprint consists of many construction elements), but I haven't seen this issue happening for "regular object removals" (using the good ol' pickaxe or crowbar).

    Can you maybe tell me the IP of the server (you can also send it via PM to me)?

    You bring up something else I wanted to bring to your attention, which may or may not be a server problem or a conflict problem. This isn't related to what we are talking about (sorry about that) but most of the time when I import a medium to large (not huge or massive) blueprint, sometimes after I place the blueprint, the blocks won't show up and I have to have a 2nd person verify if it placed correctly because if I relog to verify myself, the server zero's out my "undoblueprint" command, which is annoying. It's usually the blocks that don't show up or something else. Rarely does everything show up all at once. On small stuff everything works fine but the larger I go, the more problematic it gets. I'm not sure what all that is.

    And sure, I can totally PM you the information you requested. As I mentioned, I play on 2 servers where this has happened on a regular basis.

    What do you mean exactly with "disappearing from your hand"? Is the item really gone, i.e. it's no longer in your inventory or no longer equipped? Or is just the plank preview missing?Someone experienced an issue related to modular building which caused a plank to attach to a different construction part, is this maybe the same thing that's happening here?

    Great questions! The building preview goes missing. At first I thought it was attaching to a different construction part but if I move far away from the source and try to build again, even toggling modular building, I get the same thing. I get the preview for a fraction of a second then shoots off into the waaaaaaaaaaaay distance, as if you are facing the sky and not the ground or a surface, even though I maybe trying to face a bloody surface.

    Hmm... what do you mean this issue especially occurs with blueprints? Do you mean that this issue only occurs when trying to remove construction elements which were placed via blueprint?How many construction elements does your blueprint consist of?

    First off, so far as I can tell, updating my drivers to the latest version seems to have helped a lot with this bug. The biggest problem I was having was that when placing a blueprint, I would start deleting parts off of it that I wouldn't use. (I really wish you had a way to better select/not select objects to copy or trim down in blueprints) Before I realized what was happening, when everybody thought everything was deleted (random thought, I want a chocolate donut), we would put down another blueprint near by or on top of the other one, depending on what we are creating. It wasn't until something radical happened, like the terrian changed or something that BAM, all that work we did to delete parts of the first blueprint, came freaking back and what stared at me in da face was a garbled mess. HAPPENED TO ME THREE TIMES until I realized what was happening.

    When we place blueprints, deleting objects brings up a risk factor that the objects that we delete won't actually get removed by like 10 fold. This issue has affected many people and it's not restricted to just blueprints. And as for the blueprint in question, it was a spiral staircase that I made... had less than 50 constructables in it, 2 blocks, and was small in size (actually I think it was 70 construbables if you count the handrails).

    This isn't entirely true: You only have to worry about browser plugins (which are installed separately), this is the only situation where "security holes" actually matter. Web applications (in case of Java, Web Start or Applets) are executed with limited permissions, but due to security holes a malicious app could infect your machine. This also applies to other browser plugins, like Flash ;)

    Traruh (True)

    So I went searching for any evidence of Java on my computer VIA online and I found some traces of Java but way incomplete. Whatever I found were small, tiny files lacking in any resemblance of a complete program. It's like Java was either once there then removed or something put those files there for a Java program. Either way, RW seems to be working fine without it.

    This is Trizzle, I forgot to log in the other times. I went ahead and upgraded my video card. I realized that there is no Java installed at all on my operating system. Java is a huge security risk that ideally nobody should have installed on their computer if they can help it. Rising World doesn't require it and thus, it's not needed for me to play the game. I'm assuming that Wild Frontiers is your server, just wildly guessing here. You didn't mentioned it. I'll try it out.