Posts by Faust

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    You guys have valid points. I only mentioned minecraft since it's the most popular comparison available. I don't think it's unique or in any way the first of it's kind. However I do think it was a very smart game, in the way that it hit a niche that was, at the time, mostly unfulfilled in the industry. I personally don't like it a lot, but I have to respect it for that and the unique style it embraced. I also think comparing it to RW is only logical, as they share a lot of similarities. Of course RW outshines minecraft in almost every area in my opinion. Plus the minecraft community is toxic as hell, whereas literally everyone I've met in RW is dope.

    Yeah, that's how I viewed Rising World and shall always view it that you simply take someone's concept and improve on it. That's how we're improving on computer parts, cars, planes, and etc in the world that without someone else putting their own spin we wouldn't be where we are now in a global sense, as well as Rising World. Someone is going to look at Rising World in the future to hopefully 1-up on that.

    On a similar note UBOAT is to Silent Hunter 3 what Rising World is to Minecraft, an improvement; A step up in the ladder. :thumbu

    Well said. I completely agree. There are some games that are obviously rip-offs of others, but calling rising world a minecraft ripoff is pretty dumb, since the only real similarities are freedom, building, and mining. A lot of games have those. I think rising world is a perfect example of what makes small studio, indie-type games so cool. The guys that made it obviously like open and creative games, and they built something that allows much more freedom than it's predecessors, while at the same time having better graphics and more features. It's the natural progression of art, and it's what keeps the game industry thriving.

    Lol fair enough fellas. I do agree with that point about wolfenstein etc., but I don't agree with calling such games a "ripoff". I would say "inspired by". They built on the concepts presented by their predecessors and turned them into something better. It's the same pattern all art goes through. Everything is in some way built on the shoulders of previous giants.

    Even though this video is old, I think it just goes to show that there will always be childish critics who don't offer any valuable criticism but just try to stir up problems. You could call any modern survival/construction game a "minecraft ripoff" and probably be somewhat accurate. It inspired a lot of different stuff, and I do see it's influence in this game. Personally though, I think this game offers a much better looking construction system, and a lot more freedom. It's fair to note that elements of this game seem inspired by others, but calling it a ripoff is like saying all first person shooters are a ripoff of N64 goldeneye. Pretty stupid.

    Hey all. I'm a relatively new player so I decided to take on a really tough project to practice building and figure out just what is possible. I chose to build a sail frigate since those are pretty dope. I think it came out pretty well. I tried to be relatively historically accurate, though ofc there's a lot of concessions (less rigging, sizing variances, internal layout, etc.). Please let me know if anyone has suggestions to improve the build or easier ways to do any of it.