Posts by Scruffy

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    Where do i report bugs?

    I noticed that trying to use a protected area from outside the protected area, or over the border of another protected area, the game would not let do the action.

    EG. I have 2 protected areas touching each other. I stand inside one protected area, and try to place a sapling inside the other protected area, the game doesn't let me. Same thing for trying to mine terrain, place plants, or open a crafting table. I found this is most evident with vertically touching areas. <- I own all the protected areas, both the one i'm in, and the one i'm trying to do an action in.

    i second Scruffy's input, also, an auto-decay feature would be nice, where you set either in-game hours or RL hours (i think the latter might make more sense, but both would work) of players being offline, their AP would automatically be deleted - this would prevent people to come on, AP a bunch of stuff and then call it quits, with those areas lingering around for no good reason. i'd recommend default decay hours of 7 days = 24 * 7 = 168 hours.

    I think you'll find 7 days is a bit short. You will catch out legitimate players who don't log in every day.

    To the developer:

    But some sort of warning system would be a good idea. Perhaps allow admin to enable/disable auto-decay such that it will either:

    • Auto-remove protected areas for players who have not logged in for X days or
    • Alert Admin in game when player has not been on for X days, and write it to a log along with all the areas they own. (Admin can then choose to remove the areas)

    Perhaps you could extend this decay feature to work per 'group' of protected areas. This would ensures players are only protecting the areas they USE. Random little areas they forget about will be removed, without removing the active areas. The system may work like this:

    • Record the 'last used' date of all protected areas
    • Updated the last used date when owner or any 'friend' enters the area

      • which then updates all 'connected' areas, such that the group of areas connected by a side all have same last used date.
    • Whenever an area reaches the admin defined decay period since 'last used', the area is flagged or deleted (depending on how admin have this enabled).

    You could then extend this to give players a warning a day or two before an area will be removed.

    • Plugin checks areas when player logs in, or runs the command to list areas.
    • Areas X days from being removed are highlighted red with a warning beside them when listing areas
    • Player gets a warning when they log in "You have protected areas that will be removed in X days. You must use an area to stop it being removed." or some such.

    Could you add to this plugin a 'stock' on hand field. Such that

    • any of that item a player '/esell's increases the 'stock' on hand,
    • any item '/ebuy'd by player will be subtracted from the 'stock' on hand.
    • If there is not enough 'amount' to fill a players '/ebuy' they will get an 'insufficient stock' message, and told the 'amount' that remains.

    And with that addition, a setting/option server admin can enable/disable the 'stock on hand' feature. So if they want infinite amounts to buy/sell, they can disable the 'stock on hand' feature.

    And if you are keen, also add in a price adjustment feature such that:

    • Each item has a base value
    • The buy/sell price is adjusted according to how much 'stock' on hand remains, due to supply and demand. This should result in self-regulating stock levels providing the 'price' is set to the 'market value'

      • Zero/low 'stock': item is in high demand, not enough stock to sell.

        • esell price is max/high - players are encouraged to sell the item for a high reward, and 'stock' will go up
        • ebuy price is max/high - players are loath to buy the item at such a high price, and 'stock' won't reduce as fast
      • Max/high 'stock': item is in low demand, more than enough stock to sell.

        • esell price is min/low - player is loath to sell the item for a low reward, and 'stock' won't increase as much.
        • ebuy price is min/low - player is encouraged to buy the item while it's cheap, and 'stock' will drop fast.

    This might be a little complex, as tweaking the formulae will take time/testing to get right. But if coded in a way players can adjust prices/scaling, they'll find a workable scale themselves.

    I notice you've made the source available, so if you're not interested, i could have a crack at it myself. ;)

    Thanks, and kind regards,