Howdy.. do you happen to play on a multiplayer server as "victor" I have seen some of your blueprints and they look just like his so i am assuming you are the same person. LOL IF so i helped you a lot on one of the servers however we don't play on that one anymore but i always LOVED your builds so if you are the person i am thinking of. He gave me a cool mushroom resting area for my amusement park on new world beginnings server.
you do amazing work!!!! If you get bored stop in and say hi to me and the hubby lol We decided a month ago to do our own thing and its gotten much busier much faster than we ever imagined. LOL
Fingers crossed you are "victor or it may have been Viktor lol i dont remember fully.
Oh by the way i downloaded these so i can find a good spot on our server to put them down and like i did on the other one ill put a sign up giving props to you on the builds. We don't take credit for blueprints we use, we always post something saying who the builder is.. i only take credit for placement LOL
AMAZING work here your detail is incredible!! one day ill get there on my builds )fingers crossed) lol 
Owner/Admin Rising Against Humanity