Posts by Michelle

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    I feel really stupid. Most of what you guys are saying I do not understand. Never the less, my husband put the plugin into my computer and it solved the problems I was having. I don't know if it is me, or the update, or my computer files that are causing my issues but I have a work-around so I am good. Thanks for the help.

    I agree that it is odd and I don't understand enough about computers to troubleshoot it. My inventory is not full and I recieve the plank or beam requested, but the texture is wrong. It makes it hard to do the detail work on my brick building if I cannot match the texture. Even if this issue were to be solved though, I would not be able to proceed because I cannot rotate a wood plank horizontally like a shelf. It will turn in the other directions but not onto that axis point. I guess I am hoping to figure out plugins now so I can continue with the game.

    I'm sorry; I do not understand. If I have a wood plank, it should rotate in 3 different axis directions. It only does 2 directions so I cannot make a shelf, for example. Also, when using the console commands like '~ item woodplank id ___' the item texture is always the number 21 block, instead of whatever texture is typed in.

    Since the last update, with the addition of bandits, I've had issues with the advanced construction. Beams and planks are not rotating like they used to. One of the axis points is duplicated I think. Also, the texture id 25 (bricks) is mixed with id 21(stone). There may be similar things of this nature though I've just noticed this because I cannot finish a project that I had started, due to the mechanics problems. On a side note, all of the items for that project have disappeared from my inventory. I'm a noob so I'm hoping I am explaining myself alright.