Posts by Melchior

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    I have a 1250 WATT SMART PS I'm barely using 200WATTS out of full 1250 and the per volt amps are all good...
    I currently have a EVGA GTX 750 Ti 2GB graphics cards... It runs fine.. I was only using 1.2GB of vram with Rising World loaded
    I use 1.8 GB of vram with Black Desert L

    I have a EVGA GTX 1070 Ti 8GB coming in the mail by next week! lol ;)

    ahh so that's why u bundled the JVM/JRE with the game... your using an outdated version though... and chance of fixing that?

    Neither Java nor the game (nor any other game [or in other words, bugs in a game]) should cause a system lockup. If something like this happens, it's almost always a hardware related issue. And even if you currently experience this issue in certain games only, the situation might get worse over time

    That is what is usually said about it... so maybe a gfx driver issue... or a bug in Windows 7 that will never get fixed...

    The specs for my gfx card says it supports Open GL v4.4 BUT in game it mentioned Open GL v4.6... why?
    even the 1070 Ti I have coming only supports Open GL v4.5.. hmm???

    Waterfox a spinoff of Firefox has been crashing alot for me bugs good grief.. get enough crashes of programs in a sesson of Windows might contribute to a system wide crash.. 0xC0000005 memory access violation error or memory management BSOD... maybe at least from my experiences....

    OK! Windows Memory Diagnostic TEST, not one single bit dysfunctional!

    ooh so its a Java or is it game... there are plenty of non Java binaries....??

    I have Java 8 v192 installed.. but that doesn't matter because I just noticed RisingWorld comes with its own Java binaries... waste of space but what can you do...

    When did you experience this issue in other games for the first time? Did you maybe change your hardware or OS right before the problem occurred?

    Idk I was just playing and it happened... those two games use the ANTI-CHEAT program XignCODE3
    no changes hardware/software wise...

    max GPU Temperature underload is 116°F so no issues there... on a mp server...

    no, I have had this stable system since I built in 2016 with Windows 7 ULTIMATE SP1 x64..
    My system specs are here in this CPUz report...

    I have not had temperature issues... I run HWMonitor which gives my the temperature of all hardware in my system and its running stable temps at not more then 150°F for the CPU un max load
    I will do a quick mem test and report back but I am pretty sure of my $150 RAM... I don't have much else for problems with all the other programs I use.... just those 3 games causing system lockups...

    I only just got the game on Steam on November 15th 2018.. so...
    I have experienced TWO FULL/TOTAL SYSTEM lockups, requiring me to restart my system.
    after a short period of Singleplayer game play... 10-45 minutes

    I do get regular GFX(Nvidia), LAN(Realtek), AUDIO(Realtek) driver updates to stay up to date with bug fixes such.....
    however since this is a TOTAL system lockup and NO BSOD I have idea what is causing the crash for sure...

    the crash/lockup, is it the game client, driver, Windows, etc...

    sry if this report is not much help...
    I have two other games that have similar crash/lockups.. AION by NCSOFT and Black Desert Online... but its even more rare with those two games...

    I will try to provided any requested info by Rising World's game devs or community member.