Posts by Urshala

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    from the old version, so many pieces of wood,keg stand has new version barrels fitted, add standard barrels if you want to use it in the old version,the mug from the kegstand, and two different chairs i used in oldstyle builds might still be usefull to someone.all will work in old and new version ^^

    there are thousands of pieces in this hull many are over lapping,the paint roller has a limit of colors but it only took a minute to do this painting, no way i would try editing all them pieces lol 8)

    yes i have a few things that editing wont be possible on,it would take a rebuild, and some that all the new textures are just fine on, but im still very happy that the bp transfed over so easy and i think i will file away some of the more difficult ones to see in the future if there will be eny updates or patches to help with this ;)

    yes the edit color 0, removed the dark color, and then edit texture 108 to over lay the new color ,works just fine ,and its a lot quicker than replaceing all those textures on the old transfered bp ,look like black and white tv turning to color

    a few quick screen shots showing the black problem with those 2 textures, as u can see other textures have worked just fine all screen shots are transfered bp from the old version

    i notice texture 120 in the transfered bp is also black ,the placed block is texture 120 in game the curser showing 120 most wood in that screen shot is 120

    most other textures have transfered over just fine

    ok so i attached some pictures ,wood log left is texture 106 ,u can see in the second screen shot the curser is in the build it says its texture 106 ,iv use edit texture 106 and tryed edit texture and selected from the menu and its still basically black i tryed restarting my game same thing still, this is a bp from the old version i transfred to the new version. the texture is 106 to start with

    i wanted to change the color of some wood pieces on a building i havein the new version, iv tryed useing the edit c id comand,does that comand work yet ? if so how do i get it to work,is there an upto date page somewere of comands for this type of comand ? :thinking:

    someone put a big gold start on reds forhead ,the up for the blueprints is just amazing,so much more than i expected,such a great job red welldone ,love the shrink or enlargements of the bp just woonderfull 8):love:<3

    to anyone interested ,iv had time to play around a bit and get used to the new building version,i built a house and some accessories,simular to what i would have normaly built in the old version,i found it to be fantastic with the new shapes and tools ,the bucket onlt took 10 pieces of wood far less than i would have previousely used ,under 10 pieces of wood for most of the vases plates ect 15 for the larger bowl,under 50 for the cart about the same for the water well,lol iv no idear how many for the house,iv encounted no lag at all from standing on the smaller items like the bowls ect ...fantastic...most of the small items plates and bowls took only a few seconds to make ,no blueprints required

    im working on a old style house to relearn how to use the new building menu,it isnt quiet finished yet ;i see many new great shapes that will save so many planks being used to obtain certain shapes ,im sure this will be great for reducing lag around detailed builds :D:thumbup:<3

    the snow is very pritty underneith with the glistening 8) but could u maybe turn down the reflect on the snow outside with sun or light hitting it ,it is so bright ,its very hard to see what you are doing :thumbup:

    played around with the terrain tools for the day:Dthe range you can use the tools at is great,everything works just fine,the blending for the rock to grass ect looks great was easy to use ,will save some time for admins repairing server land after players, i was happy with the painting terrain tool, although i had a few problems with the smaller settings for painting the terrain,it quiet often did large square patches,but other than that it all worked perfect 8) great job :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

    the swinging block and the ability to throw things will make for interesting inventions<3 the glass bottles are a nice addition:thumbup:,had fun knocking everything over heheheh:Dthe guns were also fun to shoot and move evrything around with;) the terrain tools are great and theres some nice blending for the dirt to stone8) lol red51 there goes

    thousands more hours of playing rising world:thumbup::wow::thumbup:

    big gold star award goes to you red518),awsome to finally see the demo:D,im interested in when the water:wow:, will be some for us to play about with in the demo ? lol i had fun checking it all out so far ,my pc was straining though after i had been flying around for a while,wonderfull job so far :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: