Posts by Zen65

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    I am a fan of "structural integrity" for building - and for that reason I bought Medieval Engineers. Yes, I'd love to see it in Rising World, but at what cost? Engineers has very little development in other areas: limited biomes, no water, one animal type, a static world, etc. By limiting the game's scope in other areas, and being twice the size of the Rising World, they are able to do "structural integrity." Other games use "structural integrity" in building, as well as item placement and other niceties, but it takes a super computer to run those games.

    I would not want Red to limit Rising World's unique style of creativity and charm; Nor would I want it to be so big that it could not be ran on a household computer.

    As much as I would like to see "structural integrity" implemented, I don't see how it can be done - at the moment. The future is always open, though ...