Posts by Stine

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    I have rented a server at Vilayer where there is no automatic backups, so I have to backup to my own machine if need be.
    That is giving me problems right now, but that's a service provider issue.

    But to avoid cluttering my machine with lots of unnecessary stuff, I have tried to get an idea of which game files I actually need for backup.
    I know the ones I have edited myself such as permissions,, plugins etc, which - when set up properly - should be a onetime backup.
    Apart from the journal which is expanded regularly.

    But what about the stuff people build in-game, player groups, inventory etc.
    Is that all in the worlds folder?

    And on a similar, but slightly different, note:

    If someone knows I would appreciate any help.

    If I want to move from one service provider to another can I simply backup the whole server and upload it to a new provider?

    I have setup two permission groups beside the default group: Resident and Builder.
    They seem to work well.

    However to test the Builder group, I assigned myself as Builder, at which point I think I was automatically removed from the Admin group.
    I lost my admin tag and all my admin rights.

    In the server properties file I am still listed as admin and admins are set to have all permissions, which I thought would override the permissions group and ensure I have admin rights at all times.
    Otherwise I don't understand what it does.

    I can revert it by giving builders admin rights, set myself as admin again, and remove admin rights from builders.

    But is there not an easier way to test new permissions groups?
    And what does the admin_all_permissions setting in the server properties file then actually do?

    Hoping some of you longtime Rising world admins can enlighten me :)


    I have been using blueprints from the public forum on my server, and untill today it has been going fine.

    Occasionally when I use undoblueprint, a 'mirage' is left behind, like a picture remains of the building.
    But if i log out and in again it is gone.

    Except for today.

    Part of the building was still there when i logged on, now solid.
    Is there any way to remove it quickly?
    Console command or similar?

    I tried tearing it down and using tnt, but tnt is not very effective.
    Tearing it down manually takes forever. There are thousands of elements.

    Any ideas?

    Okay hopefully last post tonight.

    Apparently the update steam script should simply download the newest game files from steam.

    I thought I was running the latest version, so how that could cause problems is unclear right now, but maybe I am wrong.
    Why the server hasn't been visible on steam for a week is still unclear.
    It doesn't overwrite my files, I am still admin for instance, so how the server name then got changed/cut off......

    So I tried to figure out if its a windows or a linux server, and I can't find it anywhere. I don't remember getting a choice, just ordered a rising world server from vilayer. I will ask them.

    Did some further looking around.
    Seems the server name was changed to something else when running the script.
    Also when I use the rcon port, I get a different GUI error. Here it says the game versions don't match, which aligns well with the exception.

    Found a version file where the main version is the same as the one I seem to be running, it says in the server file and on my game version.

    Also, it has been confirmed that others players get the same error when attempting to log on.

    okay :)

    Not sure this is what you are asking but:

    I am on a mac myself
    I use the steam client to open the game gui and connect through 'connect to IP' (since the server doesnt show on the serverlist).

    It used to work without problems, but I used a server 'update steam' script that the company hosting the server provided, to get it to feature on the serverlist. and Instead I now can't log on. Possibly others cant either, there has not been any activity since as far as I can see, and we are 3 people on regularly.

    I can connect to the server, it is active and I can ping it, but it fails during authentication.

    It is possible I just set something up wrong, but I have no idea where.
    It is the first time I have run the script, but I have made changes to the server and been online several times in the last week or so without any problems.
    Before running the script I was in-world to make sure everything worked well after installing a plugin, and everything seemed fine.
    So I am pretty sure something happened when running that script making it impossible to log on, I just don't know where to look.

    I googled and found a couple of other threads in this forum, where the german one was the only one that had any real info, so thought it was my best hope :)

    I have contacted the server hosting company as well, but they seem to be at a loss (so far at least).

    So crossing my fingers hoping you can give me a hint!


    I am experiencing the same error (I think) on my server, but I don't speak German well enough to figure out what to do.
    Tried with google translate but didn't quite work. The thread is marked as done though...

    Can anyone help?

    This is what I found in the server log...

    com.codedisaster.steamworks.SteamException: GameMismatch
    at server.i.a(SourceFile:182)
    at G.f.a(SourceFile:203)
    at G.f.messageReceived(SourceFile:128)
    at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.fireChannelRead(
    at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.channelRead(
    at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.fireChannelRead(
    at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.channelRead(
    at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
    at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$
    CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting
    CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected
    REMOVE: - 5 -
    2019/01/07 12:22 PM G.f


    I am a relatively new player and recently I have been diving into multiplayer.

    Basically all I want is a gameserver where I can explore and built, when I want, where no one else can destroy what I built (and preferably not steal my stuff either) in peacefull co-existence with the other players. The same seems to apply to most of the people playing. Personally I also would like to make it possible for others to use some of what I built to get a better multiplayer experience.

    Permissions seem to be a problem though, which I have encountered even more now that I have my own game server.

    I have tried three ways:

    1. Autoprotect, which does not allow for different permissions and hence shared areas (and is also not entirely safe), but let players create their own areas

    2. AreaProtection, which is safe and has differentiated permissions, but does not let players create their own areas and set themselves as owners.
    This means that players can't (safely) built till an admin has been on to give them an area which is very limiting. Also extendingan area is causing problems, so all of a sudden players are very hindered by the absence of an online admin and can't just build at their own convenience.

    3. The game permissionssystem, where unfortunately all permissions apply regardless of whether you are an owner or not.
    This means that if I deny permissions to destroyblocks a player can't destroy her own blocks either, which makes it impossible to use against griefing.

    So - to my knowlegde - there is currently no safe, admin-independent way to protect against griefing in multiplayer, which to me seems like a major problem for a good multiplayer experience.

    It got me thinking.

    If objects, blocks etc. (placed by a player) remembered their owner, then the owner could always do what they want with their own objects, and the permissions in the permission file would automatically be concerned with what players can do to others objects instead. The permissions already in the game to keep people from destroying blocks, object and construction elements could then be used against griefing.

    So all I would have to do, as a server owner, to ensure players can't destroy what others have built would then be to set those permissions as default permissions in the permissions file. Then people could build freely without worrying about destruction by others and without the need for an admin.

    It wouldn't protect against stealing, but the effects of stealing are easily fixed by admins and the itemgive command.
    Also the areaplugin has permissions on picking up objects etc. which - maybe? - could be added to the general game permissions file system. For this to work the general permissions would then have to only concern themselves with what can be done to other players objects and not world objects, which might create problems. Unless a different set of permissions for world objects and one for otherplayers objects is created. Then only protectionf of yet unbuilt areas and shared areas, where more control over permissions is wanted, would need to use the AreaProtection plugin.

    It would very much diminnish the griefing problem of multiplayer in a very simple way I think.

    Would this be possible?

    Thank you for a great game :)

    Kind regards