Posts by Vindelle_Pounze

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    I seem to not be able to figure out how to start a RW server on a headless machine.
    When starting I get this error message

    Java AWT is just for doing graphical stuff, windows and such, isn't it? Is there a way to start the server on a headless machine? I tried passing --headless and --nogui respectively, didn't work.

    Apparently, this was not the problem...some digging the webs gave me this; some bug in openjdk?

    Server up and running! :)
    But maybe this helps others.

    Thank you for your responses. By now I did buy the standalone version, just I did not have that much time for playing the game. First impression after about two hours is what I thought, though. Quite sure I won't regret having spent that some Euros. ;D While I do know myself, I will try my best to not just lurk the forums but give feedback and post my findings and questions here. Will try to get into the game on my own before that, though.

    Deirdre: I think I know where you're coming from, it took me some time myself to change my stance on it from "nope, not another company who just wants my data" to "well, it is in fact convenient, maybe I should care less". What you describe as negative is in a way a plus in my opionion, a huge part of my gaming library (way too many games, probably, if there is such a thing as too many games :/ ) is in one place and conveniently kept up to date.
    Plus, a huge point on the pro side, for me personnally, Steam came to my platform of choice after I said goodbye to the worse evil (for me) - Microsoft. ;)

    Thanks for your answer. So there is actually no real advantage in buying via Steam. While we're talking about some percentage of the equivalent of two packs of cigarettes it's still money, isn't it? :D Buying standalone then ;)

    Hi all!
    Just registered to the website and the forums because I'm thinking about buying this game. Read lots of stuff on the Steam forums and some here as well. I'm aware of the long time in early access as well as the reasons for that and I am more or less convinced that I would not exactly need to worry about the game becoming abandoned. Also, while in its current state it's probably not 100% the game I'll sink that many hours into, I believe it's a very fun game and the upcoming update introducing aggressive NPCs will make it even more enjoyable for me.
    One question I do have is "where to buy best?". What are the downsides of buying here instead of buying via Steam? I figure the main advantage in buying on Steam would be being able to invite friends for online co-op ingame, right?