Posts by priestid

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
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    Thank you for the replies, i have redone them all slowly from the server help permissions in the forums they are working now which is great, I have another few issue's which is that when i log onto the server i need to add the permissions groups again also in the default.permission i have set general fly: true on, in the guest.permissions i have set general fly: false, resident.permissions general fly: true and architect.permission general fly: true but the 2 groups i want to allow flying they cannot
    thanks again

    Thank you for the pointers Stager83.
    Changed the naming in the permissions files and removed the ( )

    From the architect I changed:

    - itemgive
    - *
    - *


    - itemgive
    - *
    - *

    I'll restart the server and see how it turns out.

    Hello everyone,

    I have a server setup but I can't get the permissions to work.
    I have set admin for myself via "setplayergroup Priestid admin" and that works.
    But if I type somebody's name to be added to the Guest group or Resident group I would get the message "group 'resident' not found"

    In one of the log files in the Logs folder I found the following errors:

    WARNING: Error while loading default server permissions
    while scanning a simple key in 'string', line 14, column 5: maxupload:20 ^could not find expected ':' in 'string', line 15, column 5: dimension: 1024 ^
    <Java output>

    Found 4 files in groups folder
    2019/03/06 06:00 PM I.g
    INFO: Group "admin" permissions loaded successfully!
    2019/03/06 06:00 PM I.g
    SEVERE: Error while loading group architect.permissions
    while parsing a block mapping in 'string', line 1, column 1: group: (Architect) ^expected <block end>, but found BlockSequenceStart in 'string', line 18, column 3: - itemgive ^
    <Java output>
    <the contents of the architect.permissions file>

    2019/03/06 06:00 PM I.g
    INFO: Group "guest" permissions loaded successfully!
    2019/03/06 06:00 PM I.g
    SEVERE: Error while loading group resident.permissions
    mapping values are not allowed here in 'string', line 16, column 7: allow: ^
    <Java output>
    <the contents of the resident.permissions file>

    Did I made a (syntax) error in the permissions or and the permissions files?