We have campfires and grills that cook meat so we do not need the smoker to barbeque meat as well. It would be more useful to have the smoker behave as a real world smoker and preserve the meat.
This would also remove the need for a cooking timer (the plugin for which does not seem to be available anymore) as the meat would not become burnt. Hopefully when spoilage becomes an issue we will also get a true smoker option.
Posts by NannyOggins
Good idea, it never occurred to me that it would work but it might!
After all, the vase is a static object so shouldn't glitch out. Thanks for the suggestion.
Though I chose to include all the water options in my 3 single player, Surreal biome, worlds, I have yet to encounter any water except the tiny round pools. Is this option not actually implemented in Surreal world, or have I just been incredibly unlucky?
This is something I would love to see implemented, it takes an age to replace an entire interior that seemed such a good idea, until you have placed 4 stacks of bricks, stairs and all the myriad shapes. A direct like for like swap would be such a bonus.
I would very much like to see this implemented. It should not be too difficult , a simple check to see whether a player has "X" number of a certain colour flower and a vase then swap out of the vase model for one that is filled.
Please consider adding an option to take all the contents of a container (ie hunted animal, chest etc) simultaneously. It's inevitable that containers have to be moved around and its tedious to remove items one by one before relocating them. Pretty please