Posts by Shibby

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Thanks for the input OmegaJstn. I would like to mention that about maybe a week or so before I started having the "ethernet connection problem" with Rising World that it would work just fine on ethernet. I just recently did a clean install of windows and updated everything again (which would cover your full installation of Avast advice). However the problem still continues. Only on rising world it will make my ethernet crash - cant web browse or anything until I switch to wireless connection. I've tried extensive searches for problems like this on the internet and I've seen this problem in other games that people posted about, but none of them ever came up with a solution for the problem. I would consider that it is my router/or network card but it works fine on everything else that I play without any faults on the ethernet connection. At this point I feel like I need a network mastermind to help me with this... lol. More help would be awesome, thanks!

    Side note: When I try to connect on my ethernet to a server, sometimes it will allow me in the game before crashing my net. Then a couple mins later, my net crashes, I switch to wireless and when i reconnect to the server I have a ghost in the server with the same name as my character, so its like a double effect. Then eventually the other me disconencts from the server. Duno if this has any relevance to the problem, but I thought I would throw that out there.

    Yeah, I just tried connecting through ethernet and my internet died - switch instantly to wireless internet comes back on and I can join my friends fresh server np, its only me and him who play on it. I would suggest my network is card bad, but it's strange I can play any other multi-player games fine via ethernet. But yea, just with this game ;(

    I would agree with that theory but, it works fine in wireless mode, I played all for several hours last night in wireless mode. When I first got the game I was able to join any server no problem being wired. It really didn't start messing up until I installed hamachi. Hamachi worked with my friends for the first couple of days. I was able to play on my server with them as well as their server no prob. Avast has been running since I got the game. Since this problem came up I deleted Hamachi and the problem persists. It's just kind of mind blowing to me at least that it only happens when I play this game online lol. I've done what most would do: Run Anti-Virus checks, ran multiple spyware/malware programs, update java & everything else. Im trying to figure out the technical side of this problem, but its just empty up there lol. I've tried everything that I know to do.

    I did another test. Tried to connect and got disconnect as I stated before. Checked the other computer in the other room and it still had internet which is on wireless. So I switched to wireless on the computer that I'm playing Rising World on and my internet came back on. I didn't try playing rising world on wireless yet, but web pages and everything loaded fine. When it disconnects me on the wired connection though I reset the router and it would still be offline and I would just keep restarting the router until the wired connection worked again. The other day it was off for an hour straight. But yea, it only does this on Rising World when I connect to a server, any other game though my wired connection is fine! So whats up with this game?! lol. Had a friend buy this to play this with me and soon as he does I get this problem. So whats going on? O_o Oh, and I use Avast for my anti-virus, as well as a couple other spyware detection programs.

    Hello, as the title states every time I connect to a Rising World Server, whether its my friends private server or public one, soon as I connect or around 10% load my internet dies. This only happens with Rising World, other mmo's and multiplayer games I have no problem. So this def has something to do with the game itself, its almost as if Im getting a mini ddos from any rising world server that I try to join. Help?

    Lamps for sure, combined with my idea of a generator. If the Lamp is within a certain radius of the generator it would give it POWA. Also curtains and blinds just cause the more content the better.

    Building Items - The items in-game are plentiful such as the blocks, furniture, etc. Keep new items rolling in constantly the more we can mess around with items the longer the value of the game will last. So many games are slow bringing out content like this, if you can keep a steady flux of new items rolling in it will keep our imagination and creativity going. 8o

    Animals/Monsters - I know more updates are coming in for these such as being able to loot the animals for food or materials. Monsters that will attack us will develop the survival aspect of the game for sure. :evil:

    Water - Would like to see this put in the game, particularly similar to minecraft where we can carry buckets of water around and fill certain things like a well or a small pond. Also a key element into survival - having sufficient water to live. Water will also open up the farming aspect of the game.Sound effects - Would like to hear the Toilet flush, nuff said. As well as other improvements. :saint:

    Electricity - Ability to craft telephone poles ( or ability to use a generator ) to run the toilet and other electrical devices. With generators, electrical devices with a certain radius of the generator would be powered! Effing Genius. :thumbup:

    Hello! Due to my internet restrictions I'm not allowed to access the router of my internet provider. However, following the guide in the forums I opened the ports that were mentioned in my windows firewall. I was wondering if doing this in the firewall is suffice enough to get my private server going to play with my friend since I cant open my router settings. I opened the ports as instructed in my windows firewall and gave my friend my IP but he gets an error everytime he tries to connect to my IP. Is this not going to work since I cant access my router? Or is doing this port forwarding in my windows firewall the same thing? If it isnt that problem what else is keeping him from connecting? I have a great computer and good upload speeds. Also I'm unable to find any other help on this, so any help would be awesome dudes! Thank you.