Posts by mickeyjay88

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    Maybe I should've specified I'm only suggesting the power mechanics of that game, the nuclear reactor, coal reactor, physically wiring the power source to a transformer and then having a transformer power an area. I'll probably either create a more well explained post tomorrow or edit it into my original I kinda created this while extremely tired last night. Thanks for your input!

    Awhile back there was a pole asking what the Devs should focus on and Electricity was something that was mentioned. I've been playing this game for quite some time and the power system is what brings me back to it. They did it in such a simple but interactive way it's just fun to mess around with. I'd like to suggest maybe looking at what they did for reference when thinking about the power system. I'm not trying to advertise or anything I just think they did it really well and would love to see it in rising world.

    Heres a youtube channel focusing some of what I'm talking about.

    It's happening occasionally on the server I played on. A server restart fixes it but it comes back. I suspect it's due to SQLite being asked to do too much at once. SQLite wasn't designed for concurrent queries. If you can, consider switching your server to use MySQL. If you want to keep your existing world, you'll need to convert it. Note that once converted to MySQL, you can't convert back to SQLite.

    Thanks for the suggestion I'm gonna look into it. :)

    If anyone else is having this issue I resolved it with a box restart. I'm not 100% sure what could've caused the issue but I believe it was possibly created by a duplicate process hiding in the background. Hope may be this can help someone else as none of the topics like this one have ever been resolved.

    I'm having a slight issue, I appologize if this has been adressed. I'm sure I'm doing everything properly, but maybe I'm not, It seems after adding a player to a claim as owner he can still not build/destroy anything in the claim. I'm certain I'm the correct player to the correct claim with the correct owner permission. I've tried him in the admin permission as well. I haven't tried the other groups quite yet as he had to get off. i'm using 1.0.1.