Posts by therealmadscientist

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    in these screen shots it shows Java 11 i uninstalled java and installed java 8 but in the last screen shot it shows 1.8 so idk what to do anymore.

    I have setup a dedicated server in Ubuntu 18.04 with LGSM and when i start the server "./rwserver start" it tells me it starts then stops almost immediately as seen in picture here

    when i debug it i get this information

    I have googled till i cant anymore to figure it out.

    can someone please help me figure this out i just got the game for me and my girl and i cannot figure this out

    I have several other servers through LGSM and they don't give these issues im assuming its from JAVA

    the other servers dont use java so this is why im at a loss and stand still.

    Thank you in advance. :)

    installed Java 8 and below is the result of my debug