Posts by FaneCG

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam


    Hello Developers and Players,

    first of all , thank you for visiting this Thread.

    Today , I developed a simple Backpack Plugin System. The Plugin is tested and used in my own Server. Event handler bugs were solved. Plugin works atm well , but kindly waiting for your bug reports , if any discovered.

    Here are some Pictures of the GUI (Graphic User Interface) of Backpack , ingame:


    Use the B - Button to open/close it.

    Aditionally the ESC Button will also close the Backpack and trigger the save event.

    There are no commands implemented . as everything is implemented in GUI. (Quick access management).


    As spoken with our Rising World Dev , red51, the close handler [X] button problem , were solved. Alternative way of blocking the click event were implemented.

    In the Top of Inventory you will see the used Slots , out of total available Slots.

    Version of plugin 1.0 .



    Kind regard self R.W. Developer,



    Hallo liebe Entwickler und Spieler,

    Zuerst, danke dass Sie diesen Thread gelesen hatte.

    Heute habe ich eine Basic Rucksack Systeme. Der Plugin war beim mir getestet und es wird in meine Server weiter benutzt. Die Event Handler Fehler wurde gelöst. Der Plugin läuft eigentlich gut , aber wenn irgendwelche Fehler befindet , dann bitte direkt an mich melden. 😊

    Hier kann man schauen , paar Bilden von Spiel mit den Backpack Systeme:


    Knopf B - Knopf um die Rucksack zu offen/schließen

    Der ESC Knopf kann man auch benutzen um die Rucksack zu schließen und der Event zu austoßen.

    Da sind keine Kommandos eingestellt weil alles unter den GUI erstellt wurde.


    Als mit unserem Entwicklung , red51 , besprochen habe, der X (schließen) Knopf Fehler wurde gelöst. Der X Knopf wurde entsperrt. Grade oben des Rucksack Inventory Bild, kann man den aktuell benutzen Slots von alle Insgesamt Slots.

    Plugin Version 1.0 .



    Best grüß slebst RW Entwickler,



    So , I made it open & close with a toggle function. All works fine. But , there is the chance when a player won*t use the assigned Button to close the Storage properly , so the key event will be triggered and I will save his items in the database. It might happen that the Player can press in the right upper corner ( [X] Button ) and no event will be triggered. His items will be lost.. This is why I need an event to know whenever he closes his backpack.

    Danke und gruß,



    first of all , I want to thank everyone for the Rising World Development. Plugins keeps rising more and more.

    The problem is so. I want to make an ,,backpack'' plugin , when pressing B key. All works fine , I implemented Sound effect , Some Messages and finally an Stroage (getWorld().createNewStorage(10) ). The problem is , I need to find the callback for the Storage closing from the right top corner ( the [X] button). I tryed many callbacks but none seems to work.

    Please provide me support if have any tested/working sollution of possible callback.

    Thank you,
