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The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.

    Hi everyone,

    I kind of missed this feature so I put this together.
    Pretty simple one, but maybe it inspires others.
    It simply kicks players on connect if not whitelisted. Admins don't need to be whitelisted, they are getting ignored by the whitelistcheck.

    Rising World whitelisting script

    provides simple playername based whitelist

    requires admin permission!


    • /whitelist


    Adding a player to the whitelist:

    • /whitelist add <playername>

    Removing player from whitelist

    • /whitelist del <playername>

    Listing current whitelist

    • /whitelist list

    Showing helptext

    • /whitelist help

    Have fun with it.


    ja zum beispiel mit:
    tod HH:MM

    Istdie kurzform von "todate".
    Gibt insgesamt 2 od 3 Befehle dafür.
    Z.B. "tod 8" würde die zeit auf 8 uhr morgens setzen.

    Do you only want to read the vector coordinates itself or what were you trying?

    If so, have a look at this
    local position = event.player:getPlayerPosition()

    event.player:sendTextMessage("X: " .. position.x .. " Y: " .. position.y .. " Z: " .. position.z)

    SEVERE: Unable to determine mac address: java.lang.NullPointerException

    Can you post your (at least the part where you define IP and port)?

    Looks like it has problems binding to the interface/ip.

    Also if you want to use the startscript try: # bash ./ start <Name>
    That doesn't explain the syntax error in line 13 tho. Have you modified it?

    Selbes Problem hier.

    Das bislang einzige Script welches player:setPlayerPosition() verwendet ist das "Zcript" . In den Kommentaren steht das diese Funktion erst mit dem letzten Update funktionieren kann. Vieleicht kommts ja erst mit dem Nächsten. Keine Ahnung.

    Ein Aufruf von:
    gibt dir sogar die neuen Koordinaten zurück aber tatsächlich bewegt man sich nicht.

    Hi red,
    I found out what happened here. I had the same problem with an other game years ago. the fix was to rebind the key in the gameconfig.
    In this case rebinding doesn't work so I set my keyboardlayout to US and the console shows up instantly by hitting '^'.
    On the german layout, the `-key is what the console is bind on, it looks like. Maybe there is a problem with this special char since it's used to be a keycombination (Shift+´).

    Switching the keyboard layout is a pretty easy workaround for now.

    (# setxkbmap <langcode> )

    Thanks red51 for your support.
    This game is awesome, keep up the good work!


    i tried all special chars i got on my keyboard now (also slash/backslash). Console didn't show up.

    Got a german keyboardlayout btw.

    If the keybind from the isn't used why it blocked the steamscreenshotter once it was binded to F12?
    The screenshotter now works since i changed it to KEY_F10.

    Is there some other way to enter commands?

    Hi all,
    I can't get the command console to work in the linux client.
    The default keybind was F12 ( Nothing happened hitting that. it blocked the Steam screenshotter tho.
    I also tried the typical keys ^,`,~ but the console won't appear.
    I rebound it to F10,P and so on by editing the file and always restarted the game. But none worked for me.

    Is it a known issue or can I fix it somehow? I would really like to try out the creative mode :)
