Posts by AnZewei

    I am from China and I really like this game. I would love to recommend it to my friends, but when they heard that there is no Chinese... you know. I often broadcast this game DouyuTV, some players want to understand this game, they gave up when they heard that there is no Chinese.

    The above is taken from Google Translate.

    I hope you can understand. :*

    我来自中国,我真的很喜欢这个游戏我很想把它推荐给我的朋友,但是,当他们听说有没有中国...... 你知道的。我经常播出这个游戏DouyuTV,有些球员想明白这个游戏他们放弃了,当他们听说有没有中国人。

    以上摘自Google Translate。
